hi there,

I am working on providing a pure-Go TeX engine.
to achieve such a thing, I'd need to be able to decode and use the
so-called "PacKed font file" format (PK fonts).
(I know it's a very old & deprecated file format, but I figured it would
be easier on me to start "old tech" first)

I think I managed to properly decode it, and managed to extract the
bitmap data of each glyph:

- https://play.golang.org/p/dA8cev_x4TQ

the program above displays the bitmap data extracted for glyph 'a':

$> go run ./main.go

now, the question is: how should I packaged that data so that I can
interoperate best with, say, golang.org/x/image/font ?

would I just use a golang.org/x/image/font/basicfont.Face ?


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