Like Brian, I think part of he problem is possibly a miscommunication based 
on "monotonically increasing". The term means that each point is greater 
than, *or equal to*, the previous one. In other words, it never 
decreases. In the example given  ( 
<>), the capacities *are *"monotonically 
increasing", as no number in the second column is smaller than the one 
before it. 

On Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 7:02:43 AM UTC-4 kortschak wrote:

> On Sun, 2021-09-05 at 03:51 -0700, Brian Candler wrote:
> > I'm not sure you're clear about what "monotonically increasing"
> > means.
> >
> > Are you saying that there are some cases where append() results in
> > the allocated size of a slice *shrinking*? If so, please
> > demonstrate.
> I think he means that the cap of the appended slice is not a
> monotonically increasing function of the cap of the input slice.

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