This is a variation on


package main


float s(unsigned long long k) {
        float x;
        x = (float)k;
        return x;

unsigned long long cmain() {
        unsigned long long int k;
        double x;
        k = 0x8234508000000001ULL;
        x = s(k);
        k = (unsigned long long)x;
        return k;

import "C"

import (

func s(k uint64) float32 {
        var x float32
        x = float32(k)
        return x

func main() {
        ck := uint64(C.cmain())
        k := uint64(0x8234508000000001)
        x := float64(s(k))
        k = uint64(x)
        fmt.Printf("%s, %s/%s\tC: %#x Go: %#x, equal: %v\n",
runtime.Version(), runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH, ck, k, ck == k)


AFAICT, the values involved in the conversions are not out of range for
float32 or uint64. That's why I would expect the Go results to be the same
on any supported target. That's not the case, see linux/{386,arm}:


go1.16.2, openbsd/amd64 C: 0x8234510000000000 Go: 0x8234510000000000,
equal: true
go1.17.1, darwin/amd64  C: 0x8234510000000000 Go: 0x8234510000000000,
equal: true
go1.17.1, freebsd/amd64 C: 0x8234510000000000 Go: 0x8234510000000000,
equal: true
go1.17.1, linux/386     C: 0x8234500000000000 Go: 0x8234500000000000,
equal: true
go1.17.1, linux/amd64   C: 0x8234510000000000 Go: 0x8234510000000000,
equal: true
go1.17.1, linux/arm     C: 0x8234510000000000 Go: 0x8234500000000000,
equal: false
go1.17.1, linux/arm64   C: 0x8234510000000000 Go: 0x8234510000000000,
equal: true
go1.17.1, linux/s390x   C: 0x8234510000000000 Go: 0x8234510000000000,
equal: true
go1.17.1, netbsd/amd64  C: 0x8234510000000000 Go: 0x8234510000000000,
equal: true
go1.17.1, windows/amd64 C: 0x8234510000000000 Go: 0x8234510000000000,
equal: true


[Q1] Is that actually permitted by the Go specification? (If so I failed to
find that.)

Note that the results agree with C on all targets I have easy access to -
except linux/arm.

[Q2] Is that expected or not? I'm aware that the Go specification is silent
about such compatibility with C wrt rounding/conversions.

Thanks in advance for any insights.


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