I'm not sure what these proprietary auth schemes look like (and don't know 
much about oauth2 or NTLM), but for many kinds of auth you'd just set 
headers in the request and read them in the body. For example:

    request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://httpbin.org/get";, nil)
    // handle err
    request.Header.Set("X-My-Auth", "abcd1234")
    response, err := client.Do(request)
    // handle err
    // handle response

Runnable code example here:

And of course you can roll your own function to create a new request with 
auth headers already applied. Would this kind of thing work for you?


On Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 2:05:15 PM UTC+13 mi...@ubo.ro wrote:

> I find myself in need to handle various authentication schemes such 
> "proprietary" oauth2 schemes and NTLM. The easy and clean way to do it (API 
> wise) would be using a http.RoundTripper but looks like it forbids you from 
> even reading the response headers.
>  In the end I just made a ``func 
> DoHTTPRequestWithAuthenticationHandling(cl *http.Client, req 
> *http.Request)(*http.Response, error)`` function that just wraps  net/
> http.Client.Do(), clones the request and response if it's necessary and 
> negotiates the authentication scheme. It's basically what I wanted to do 
> within http.RoundTripper except now the user of the http.Client needs to 
> always remember to execute the requests the right way (i.e. using a 
> different function) instead of http.Do.
> Is there a better way to do it? Would it be a good idea  in Go 2.0  make 
> http.Client an interface to prevent this kind of limitation/workarounds?

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