> How about just a 'container' type for the interface.
>> https://play.golang.org/p/WSXVjVHj1Ya
>> For what I need, that does the job nicely. The type being stored in the 
>> atomic.Value isn't changing so it satisfies the atomic.Value constraints 
>> but I have the flexibility of the contained type being able to change. Any 
>> pitfalls with this?
> No, that should work fine. Though I'm not sure about "just", it requires 
> an extra type but leads to exactly the same memory layout and everything. 
> But yeah, if you prefer that, it's completely fine.

I'm happy with it. It feels reasonably clean and there are no special 
conditions. Although I should refactor the code so that I don't need 
atomics at all and communicate over channels. But this just happens to be 
how the code has developed.

Thanks for the help.

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