On Sun, Jan 9, 2022, 1:26 PM Tong Sun <suntong...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm following with
> https://github.com/goccmack/gocc/blob/master/doc/gocc_user_guide.pdf
> and I'm at the step of trying to provide my own ast:
> For a single bnf of:
> Hello:  "hello" id << ast.NewHello($1) >> ;
> (
> https://github.com/suntong/lang/blob/master/lang/Go/src/parsers/gocc/ex3-hello/hello.bnf
> )
> How to provide the corresponding ast.go?
> My first try was:
> https://github.com/suntong/lang/blob/master/lang/Go/src/parsers/gocc/ex3-hello/ast/ast.go
> and I've made several other attempts, but still unable to make it work.

These kinds of questions might be better directed to the people who
maintain gocc.  I don't know whether they read this mailing list, which is
about the Go language in general.



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