Hi Subham,

Yes, it was partially completed. 
But sorry, I'm currently working on a paper based on this tool, so cannot 
make it public.
Maybe within 2 weeks, it will be released on GitHub.


2022年1月23日日曜日 8:02:20 UTC+9 Subham:

> Hey Tafumi,
> Were you able to complete this? I was recently thinking about this. I'd 
> love to see if you have it somewhat working (or even learn about the ideas 
> you thought of).
> Thanks,
> Subham
> On Tuesday, 21 September, 2021 at 1:12:21 pm UTC+5:30 たふみ wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm seeking the static analysis checker (go vet tool) for missed call 
>> sync.Mutex.Unlock().
>> For example: source code is like
>> type T struct {
>>   mu sync.Mutex
>> }
>> func (t *T) A(a bool) {
>>   t.mu.Lock()
>>   if (a) {
>>     // here missing t.mu.Unlock()
>>     return
>>   }
>>   t.mu.Unlock()
>> }
>> and by running go vet -vettool SOME_AWESOME_CHECKER, I want to find the 
>> absent of Unlock().
>> Currently, I'm developing this kind of tool (progress is about 60%), but 
>> if it exists, I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
>> So if you have ever seen any other related project, please let me know.
>> Thanks, 
>> Tafumi

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