True, I don't say that meaningful names can entirely replace comments, just 
that comments can't replace the sort of meaningful if verbose names that OP 
objects to in point (1).

A lot must depend on the personal equation, how well one reads chunks of 
camelCase, how well one reads abbreviations, how good one's memory is, how 
fast one types, etc. Personally I find I just mess up less since I've 
learned to be more verbose.

On Saturday, January 29, 2022 at 9:00:49 AM UTC-8 wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 6:21 AM Tim Hardcastle <> 
> wrote:
>> Agree with Rudolf on point 2. Long meaningful variable/function names are 
>> good. Comments become obsolete, they become detached from their code, 
>> they're only used to explain the name of the variable once and then you're 
>> left with something than reads
>> // urn contains the userlist
>> fxn := rx (frn)
>>  Now that editors have autocomplete to make up for my meagre typing 
>> speed, you bet your ass I'm going to have [eg from current project] a local 
>> variable called lastTokenWasColon and a method called addWordsToParser. 
>> Because knowing exactly what they do when I need to modify or debug saves 
>> me so much time and trouble. (Perhaps this varies from person to person. If 
>> my memory is poorer than yours, it has more of an upside for me than for 
>> you.)
> There's a lot of middle-ground between a three-letter variable or 
> function-name and encoding the whole doc-comment for a function or variable 
> in its name.
> Humans only have so much working memory, once a name gets long enough we 
> start dropping parts of the name and it tends to be stuff in the middle 
> that gets dropped.
> If you have a parser type, and a variable with that type, often, it would 
> be better to have an addWords() method on the parser type. Then if you also 
> need a special-case addWord() it's easy to tell what's going on.
> I try to have meaningful names, but beyond some threshold, but I try to 
> prevent things from being redundant with the types involved (the entire 
> function signature and type of the variable).
> Also, comments are not about just describing what something is. (those are 
> the least useful types of comments) They're also quite useful for 
> describing what's being attempted, what corner-cases are being addressed 
> and if there's any tricky logic that needs to be handled. Additionally, 
> IMO, just about any function or method should have a doc-comment explaining 
> what it expects. (helpers under ~3 lines may be exempt)
>> And is there a better solution to the problem in point 1 than to break 
>> the function down into lots of little functions *with meaningful names*? 
>> (If the names (and pieces) aren't meaningful you've only technically broken 
>> it down.)
>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 10:12:48 AM UTC-8 Rudolf Martincsek wrote:
>>> > 2) Long variable names.
>>> Where I work (not in Go), writing comments is frowned upon. That 
>>> includes "docblock" style comments. If a function needs to be documented, 
>>> it means the implementation is too complex and must be broken apart to 
>>> reduce cyclomatic or whatever perceived complexity. Also uncle bob told us 
>>> that functions should never be longer than 2-3 lines of code, so it should 
>>> be enough to look at the source code to see what it does. That's the 
>>> general sentiment in my team.
>>> Comments are considered sign of "un"clean code.
>>> So we use long variable and function names to make the code self 
>>> documenting. (Hint: it doesn't)
>>> Points 3,4,5 have similar roots, because in dynamic languages it was a 
>>> trend many years ago. (ie: hungarian notation)
>>> On Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 2:10:18 PM UTC+2 Amnon wrote:
>>>> 1) Long functions that go on forever and contain long lambdas and 8 
>>>> levels of indentation.
>>>> 2) Long variable names.
>>>> 3) Variable names which include the type of the variable.
>>>> 4) Packages whose name contain the word '/pkg/'
>>>> 5) Repos which contain the prefix go-
>>>> 6) Code where almost every line prefixed by `_, _ =`
>>>> and the underscores won't go away when you wipe your screen
>>>> -- 
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