Reading the spec probably isn't the best way to experience the "fun" in any 
case. (Though the spec is worth a read once you've use the language a bit 
-- as far as specs go, it's concise and readable.)

"Fun" is quite a personal thing, but similar people often have similar 
experiences, so I'll take a stab at answering from my perspective:

Go is fun because the language is:

* Easy to learn: I learned it coming from years of Python and some C. You 
can be productive in Go in a couple of weeks. My first medium-sized project 
in Go was porting a web backend from Python to Go, and I found it a lot of 
fun (
* Builds fast: even large programs compile and build in seconds (not 
minutes or hours). Go caches builds of packages that haven't changed, 
meaning the time from editing code to running it is very short, sometimes 
close to instantaneous.
* Runs fast: Go compiles to reasonably fast native code. Coming from an 
interpreted language like Python, this is great when you need to do 
something like loop over the characters in a string.
* Solid stdlib: enough quality stuff in the standard library to get a lot 
done quickly.
* Concrete focus: good Go code (like the stdlib) tends toward concrete 
types and simple patterns rather than abstract interfaces, factories, and 
deep nesting.
* Excellent tooling: "go build" builds your project with no ceremony. "go 
test ./..." runs all your tests. "go run" builds and runs a program in one 
step. The caches for the above just work.

The above is why Go is fun for me. That leaves out Go's other unique 
features (though arguably these are more "useful" than "fun"):

* Unique take on types and interfaces that doesn't result in an inheritance 
* Statically typed. For medium-sized to large projects, this really helps 
reassure you when refactoring (compared to Python, JavaScript, and so on).
* Generic slices and maps: right from Go 1 (that is, pre-Go 1.18-generics), 
Go always had type-safe growable arrays and hash tables, two of the most 
useful data structures.
* (Some) control over memory allocation. You don't usually have to worry 
about it, but when you need to reduce allocations, you can: make(), reuse 
buffers, and so on.
* Goroutines and channels. Concurrency is never easy, but at least with Go 
the primitives are built into the language and relatively straight-forward 
to learn.
* The above means functions aren't colored -- all libraries are sync, use 
"go" to make them async. See:
* io.Reader and io.Writer. These are simple but amazing tools for composing 
I/O (I'm comparing to things like the vague mess that is Python's 
"file-like objects").
* Go modules. Relatively new in the scheme of things, but it's a really 
good system. (It's also well built, for example:
* The Go community's focus on few dependencies. So much better than the 
pain and fragility of a node_modules directory with 1500 entries.
* Easily-deployable binaries. Instead of having to ship around a big 
runtime and stdlib, to deploy a Go program, you just copy the binary to the 
target machine. (And Go 1.16's "embed" means you can even include your 
static files, templates, and so on.)
* Incredible cross-compilation. Just set two environment variables (GOOS 
and GOARCH) and type "go build", and have a macOS or Windows binary a few 
seconds later.

I'm sure others have their own lists...


On Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:53:55 AM UTC+12 wrote:

> Hello,
> I lack a motivation to read Go spec (long story) and I seek few stories 
> along the line "Go is fun", which it is, to motivate myself. Google didn't 
> give me any results, maybe you can tell me few reasons, why Go is fun?
> I feel that it is fun, but can't tell why.
> Best,
> Kamil Ziemian

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