Hi all,

I thought now was the time to go public. The automatic error propagation is 
possible with the help of a simple Go package, and it has been about three 
years now:

func CopyFile(src, dst string) (err error) {
    defer err2.Returnf(&err, "copy %s %s", src, dst)

    r := try.To1(os.Open(src))
    defer r.Close()

    w := try.To1(os.Create(dst))
    defer err2.Handle(&err, func() {
        _ = os.Remove(dst)
    defer w.Close()

    try.To1(io.Copy(w, r))
    return nil

The playground <https://go.dev/play/p/bUGX8yDAeoL>.

A couple of blog posts about the subject:

   - Error Propagation 
   - Errors as Discriminated Unions 
I'm the author of those posts and the err2 package 
<https://github.com/lainio/err2>. Additional sources for original ideas are 
mentioned in the blogs and the package documentation. And, of course, pure 
error values are needed when transporting errors through channels.

I hope that any gopher who tries the err2 package finds it as valuable and 
as we have. Indeed, Go is one of the most pragmatic and refactor-friendly 
native languages.

Best regards,

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