Hi Ian,

On Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 5:48:18 PM UTC+2 Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

> Can you point to any documentation about the problem. Earlier you 
> mentioned that there was something in the procfs man page. I didn't 
> see it, but as the procfs man page is very large I'm sure I just 
> missed it. 

You're not the only one ... it took me years to finally really grok the 
ramifications of /proc/$PID/root but then it simplified some things 
regarding accessing other mount namespaces significantly and gives security 
people nightmares.

Alas, examples, as Michael Kerrisk's well-written man pages don't support 
deep linking, unfortunately. On the quick I found these six examples:

   - /proc/[pid]/cwd: "*In a multithreaded process, the contents of this 
   symbolic link are not available if the main thread has already terminated 
   (typically by calling pthread_exit(3) 
   - /proc/[pid]/exe: "*In a multithreaded process, the contents of this 
   symbolic link are not available if the main thread has already terminated 
   (typically by calling pthread_exit(3) 
   <https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/pthread_exit.3.html>).*" (Michael 
   is copy and pasting here)
   - /proc/[pid]/fd/: "*In a multithreaded process, the contents of this 
   symbolic link are not available if the main thread has already terminated 
   (typically by calling pthread_exit(3) 
   <https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/pthread_exit.3.html>).*" (me 
   envisioning Michael starting to wear out Ctrl-V)
   - (I think he forgot /proc/[pid]/fdinfo/ as one is the other's evil 
   twin; need to poke him in Munich some day)
   - /proc/[pid]/root: "*In a multithreaded process, the contents of this 
   symbolic link are not available if the main thread has already terminated 
   (typically by calling pthread_exit(3) 
   - /proc/[pid]/task: guess what ... yes ... "*In a multithreaded process, 
   the contents of this symbolic link are not available if the main thread has 
   already terminated (typically by calling pthread_exit(3) 

While probably the vast majority of Go programs on Linux will never worry 
about this, system-related tools to some extend will be affected when 
needing to access the above parts of the /proc filesystem while using 
goroutines and LockOSThread without unlocking in order to drop tainted 

If you call runtime.LockOSThread in an init function, as I mentioned 
> above, then the initial goroutine will be the one that calls the main 
> function. 

Will this be guaranteed to be on my mythical "T0", the leader thread (also 
termed thread group leader)? Or could this be another thread?

I am still trying to understand whether there really is an asymmetry. 
> It's true that the Go scheduler assumes that there is no such 
> asymmetry. If that is incorrect, then we need to fix it. But first 
> we need a test case or at least some documentation. 

There is some asymmetry ... however, I recon the scheduler won't need to 
consider this as the application developer could ensure proper operation by 
locking the initial goroutine to the leader task/initial thread -- iff the 
assumption holds true that the initial goroutine is being executed on the 
leader task/initial thread.

This looks like a good assumption to me unless proven otherwise; 
unfortunately, that still doesn't explain why my app in production ends up 
with the initial goroutine/leader task/thread staying in a wrong network 
namespace and not the one it started in. Of course, there's a really good 
chance that the mistake is on my side and I even think that there's no 3rd 
party module involved because I bypass the namespace switching mechanism of 
the one well-known rtnetlink Go module and instead wrap it into my own 
implementation that is unit tested as to such hiccups. Also, I have rigid 
error reporting and logging in place (famous last words of inflated 
developer self esteem) as I considered switching back namespaces to be a 
severe issue right from the beginning. Nevertheless, I might well have 
totally goofed up.

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