In the instant example where you have the name in the code, just include 
the name as a string:
    fmt.Printf("Type: %T, Name:%#+v\n", myVariable, "myVariable")

But in the general case where that pointer value has been passed to a 
function or stored in a map or slice and you are referencing it only from 
the map or slice, I do not think you can, at all, because the pointer is 
NOT pointing at the variable. Rather, the variable and the pointer are 
referencing the same in-memory object, and that object has no name. 

Consider this tweak to your example:
What name would either of these return? All of these variables in the end 
point to the same place - if before all the myVariableX= lines there was a 
Val := "Swiss Cheese"
myVariable = &Val
, every one of those variables would point to the string "Swiss Cheese", 
and would have the same pointer value. What then, should the name of that 
pointer be?

>From the computer's perspective, it is not a sensical question.

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