
I'm developing a Go wrapper for a dll.
dll contains the following structure:
struct ck_version {
  unsigned char major;
  unsigned char minor;

struct ck_info {
  struct ck_version cryptoki_version;
  unsigned char manufacturer_id[32];
  ck_flags_t flags;
  unsigned char library_description[32];
  struct ck_version library_version;

in Go there is its analogue:
type Ck_version struct {
    Major uint8
    Minor uint8

type Ck_info struct {
    Cryptoki_version    Ck_version
    Manufacturer_id     [32]byte
    Flags               uint32
    Library_description [32]byte
    Library_version     Ck_version

when i call the function
    info := Ck_info{}
    rv, _, _ := c_GetInfo.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&info)))

then I get the data offset starting from the flags field.

I understand that Go has different data alignment in structures than C 
compiler. But how then does a wrapper with tons of structures work in this 
project golang.org/x/sys/windows? Maybe I missed something?

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