No, that is not possible. Only a `return` statement can return.
You *can* unwind the stack, using `panic` or `runtime.GoExit` (which is
what `t.Fatal` does) but it's a bad idea in general (and FTR, I'd also
consider your function a bad idea, but that's none of my business).

On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 10:39 PM Rich <> wrote:

> In most of my code I create a function to handle errors. looks something
> like this:
> func errorHandle(err error, str string, ex bool) {
>      if err != nil {
>           fmt.Printf("error: %s -- %v\n",str, err)
>      }
>      if ex {
>         os.Exit(1)
>      }
> }
> This cleans up my code:
>     inFile, err := os.ReadFile("Mydata.txt")
>     errorHandle(err,"read mydata.txt",true) // The true will exit
> So you see that I can exit the program when there is an error, what I want
> to know is if it's possible to do the same thing inside a function, to
> where I don't exit the program but return from the function:
> func OpenFile( filename string) []byte {
>     inFile,err := os.ReadFile(filename)
>     errReturn(err, "read "+filname,true)
> When there is an error it would return from the OpenFile function,
> --
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