The issue here, isn’t that I am uploading a big file — that’s easy.

As I said in my initial post:

> The use case here is that I'm wishing to send very large UPDATE/INSERT 
> queries/commands to an HTTP endpoint, and the body content of those 
> queries/commands is actually generated from a database.

The content I wish to push to the server, is /generated/ content. So really 
what I want is a something I can directly write into.

I am trying to avoid generating my upload content into a buffer first. Because 
the data can be very large.

— It’s easy to say “write a reader” but writing it as a reader involves doing 
complete inversion of control on my code, and isn’t really feasible. I can’t 
easily make the code I have which has complex logic to build the upload data 
using Writes, into something that is then driven by Reads.

Which is why I asked if it was possible to somehow Write straight down the 

— Thanks for the suggestions all the same.


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