On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 12:17 PM Andreas Götz <andreas.go...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning. Please excuse me for asking here- I'm stuck with something that 
> looks like a gofmt bug though that seems very unlikely.
> In CI 
> (https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc/actions/runs/4712710735/jobs/8357929411?pr=7485)
>  I'm using a "porcelain" step to make sure only go-fmt'ed sources are checked 
> in:
> gofmt -w -l $(find . -name '*.go')
> This step fails with: expected declaration, found ')' on this line which 
> seems lengthy but perfectly valid:
> func decorateKeba(base *Keba, meter func() (float64, error), meterEnergy 
> func() (float64, error), phaseCurrents func() (float64, float64, float64, 
> error), phaseVoltages func() (float64, float64, float64, error), 
> phaseSwitcher func(int) error) api.Charger {
> ...
> }
> Funny enough, the error happens on CI only. I've recently noticed that Go 
> issues had identified and fixed a mis-compile error and I'm wondering if that 
> (or similar) might be hitting here due to wrong binary code?
> Any thoughts?

It's not enough to show the place of error, the preceding context may
cause it. Can you provide the whole file? Your snippet formats just
fine: https://go.dev/play/p/3GqFunldeq0

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