I think that perhaps a bit more explanation might be helpful

I have an established pattern of capturing log messages so that i can check 
them in unit tests. (The code/test first example)

I want to do that with slog (where slog emits a message and I capture that 
message and compare it in the test), as partially demonstrated in the final 
test section..

I've also discovered that i want to drop parts of the message (eg. the 

The goal is to be able to trigger the SUT to emit a log message that can be 
tested as both existing, and matching what is expected.

On Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 2:44:39 AM UTC+10 Tamás Gulácsi wrote:

> github.com/UNO-SOFT/zlog/v2 
> NewT(t).SLog()
> returns an *slog.Logger that uses t.Log for printing.
> But maybe I don't understand your real problem.
> shan...@gmail.com a következőt írta (2023. június 14., szerda, 2:14:27 
> UTC+2):
>> In the past when I wanted to 'capture' the log output so that I could 
>> check it in a unit test I would 'hijack' os.Stdout like so
>> ```
>> var osStdout = os.Stdout
>> func MyCode (){
>>   log.SetOutput(osStdout)
>>   log.Print("My dog has fleas")
>> }
>> ```
>> Which could then be tested thus
>> ```
>> func TestMyCode(t *testing.T){
>>   testcases := map[string]struct{
>>   output string
>>   }{
>>     "Dog needs flea shampoo": {
>>       output: "My dog has fleas",
>>     },
>>   }
>>   for name, tc := range testcases {
>>       t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
>>          orig := osStdout
>>          flags := log.Flags()
>>          log.SetFlags(0)
>>          reader, writer, err := os.Pipe()
>>          if err != nil {
>>             panic(err)
>>          }
>>          osStdout = writer
>>          defer func() {
>>            osStdout = orig
>>            log.SetFlags(flags)
>>           }()
>>          MyCode()
>>          writer.Close()
>>          var buf strings.Builder
>>          if _, ioerr := io.Copy(&buf, reader); ioerr != nil {
>>            log.Fatalf("Copy error, cannot continue %v\n", ioerr)
>>          }
>>           assert.Equal(t, tc.output, buf.String(), "Expected: %s Got: 
>> %s", tc.output, buf.String())
>>          }
>>        })
>>     }
>> }
>> ```
>> I'm now trying to do the same with the slog package (but not having any 
>> joy) - is there an established pattern that people are using, eg. is the 
>> handler being
>> I've been trying 
>> ```
>> func TestMyCode(t *testing.T){
>>   testcases := map[string]struct{
>>   output string
>>   }{
>>     "Dog needs flea shampoo": {
>>       output: "My dog has fleas",
>>     },
>>   }
>>   for name, tc := range testcases {
>>       t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
>>          orig := osStdout
>>          reader, writer, err := os.Pipe()
>>          if err != nil {
>>             panic(err)
>>          }
>>          osStdout = writer
>>          defer func() {
>>            osStdout = orig
>>           }()
>>          slog.SetDefault(slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(osStdout)
>>          MyCode()
>>          writer.Close()
>>          var buf strings.Builder
>>          if _, ioerr := io.Copy(&buf, reader); ioerr != nil {
>>            log.Fatalf("Copy error, cannot continue %v\n", ioerr)
>>          }
>>           assert.Equal(t, tc.output, buf.String(), "Expected: %s Got: 
>> %s", tc.output, buf.String())
>>          }
>>        })
>>     }
>> }
>> ```
>> Which "works" but I am not happy with it, because it's affecting all of 
>> the slog instances.
>> I saw previously that someone was creating their own implementation of a 
>> slog.Handler? to make testing easier, and would love to see it, and will 
>> that allow me to run multiple slog based tests concurrently?

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