In a few months I will begin working on a component that can be used by 
several of our web apps. Since I have time I wanted to experiment with 
writing this in Go/WASM. 

The Go code will be a set of functions that take a string and some options 
(probably in JSON format) and return a string (same string possibly with 
some fixes) and an array of warnings, errors, etc. (probably in a 2D 

These functions will not need to access the DOM or do any UI/X. It is 
possible that a web worker will be used to run them (they could be long 

Here is what I think needs to be done:

   Write the Go code
   Compile to WASM
   Publish to NPM

At that point, the web apps can import my functions and use them, hopefully 
as normal JavaScript modules.

Any feedback or links to examples where this has been done would be 
appreciated. I have come across Rust examples like this, but not Go (at 
least I didn’t recognize any).


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