On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 6:02 PM Leonard Mittmann
<leonard.mittm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone, I am wondering if there is efficient way to do the following 
> type conversion (without looping over the map):
> var m = map[uint]uint{ /*...*/ }
> type uintXXX uint
> // this does not work
> var m2 map[uintXXX]uintXXX = (map[uintXXX]uintXXX)(m)

Yes, AFAICT, the language specification does not allow such
conversion. The underlying types of uintXXX and uint are the same, so
a conversion between uintXXX and uint is allowed in certain
situations. However, the underlying types of map[uintXXX]uintXXX and
map[uint]uint and are different and thus the conversion is not
possible. Exact details available at

A different question is - could the specs allow this particular
conversion? I guess probably yes. If you can think of a backwards
compatible specs change that relaxes the conversion rules and allows
this and does not have any bad side effects, it might be a good idea
to fill a proposal at the issue tracker. It will be considered, if not
already rejected before.

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