IMHO, you have used the irrelevant example (== 2nd code block) from Russ 
Cox's paper. The paper says:
> This code is not nice, not clean, not elegant, *and still wrong:* like 
the previous version, it does not remove dst when io.Copy or w.Close fails.

I want to compare your proposal with the third example from the paper, 
which does (proper) error annotation and cleanup. Thanks.
On Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 8:57:15 AM UTC+3 DrGo wrote:

> I looked at the long list of proposals to improve error handling in go but 
> I have not seen the one I am describing below. If I missed a similar , can 
> you pls direct me to where I can find it. If not what do you think of this 
> approach. 
> This involves introducing a new keyword "orelse" that is a syntactic sugar 
> for an "if err!=nil" block.
> The example code in Russ Cox's paper[1] will look something like this:
> func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
> r, err := os.Open(src) orelse return err 
> defer r.Close()
> w, err := os.Create(dst) orelse return err
> defer w.Close()
>   err = io.Copy(w, r) orelse return err
> err = w.Close() orelse return err
> }
> It is an error to not return an error from an orelse block.
> In my eyes, this has the same explicitness and flexibility of the current 
> style but is significantly less verbose. It permits ignoring the error, 
> returning it as is or wrapping it. Because orelse is not used for any other 
> purpose, it would be easy for reviewers and linters to spot lack of error 
> handling.  
> It also works well with named returns. e.g., 
> func returnsObjorErro() (obj Obj, err error) {
>   obj, err := createObj() orelse return  //returns nil and err
> } 
> otherwise orelse is like "else" so e.g., it can be followed by a block if 
> additional cleanup or error formatting etc is needed before returning, eg 
> w, err := os.Create(dst) orelse {
>   ....
>   return err 
> }
> Similarity to "else" hopefully means that it is easy to learn. It is 
> obviously backward compatible  
> What do you think?
> [1] 

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