On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 1:47 AM DrGo <salah.mah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The verbosity of error handling is the number one concern for Go developers 
> in the most recent survey.

That says something about those developers, about their preferences,
opinions, taste etc and that it differs from what the Original
Language Designers (OLD™) preferred.

It has close to zero bits of information which preferences are the
better ones. It's a subjective category anyway.

> So there is a need for doing something about it..

And here's IMO the mistake. You may feel the need, Joe and Mary may
not. It's ok to have preferences. It's ok for preferences to be
different. It does not mean there's a need to change anything. Of
course, you can decide that following the preferences of a majority of
developers is a rational move.

I claim it a fallacy. A big one. Let me not joke about billion flies,
but the fact is - language designers are few and far between while
developers come in heaps. And let's be honest. Most developers write
horrible code, me included. Maybe you're the rare exception, congrats
then. But the majority of us are just the ordinary, average coders for
hire. There are deadlines to meet, bills to pay, project mis-managers
getting into the way etc. We have all experienced that, didn't we?

I, for one learned to pay much more attention to what language
designers do and say. Sometimes I agree, sometime I don't. But I
believe one can, in essence, ignore what the majority of developers
thinks about it. Actually, I think the majority of developers is wrong
more often than the, most of the time silent, minority.


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