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El lunes, 7 de agosto de 2023 a las 23:12:27 UTC+2, Iván Corrales Solera 

> I'm so happy to announce the very first release of *knoa 
> <>*
> The goal of knoa is to provide *a handy way to deal with unstructured 
> data* in #go #golang
> The below piece of code shows an example (You could find more examples 
> here <>
> ```go
> type Person struct {
> Firstname string `structs:"firstname"`
> Age int `structs:"age"`
> Siblings []Person `structs:"siblings,omitempty"`
> }
> func main(){
> k := knoa.Map().Set("firstname", "John", "age", 20)
> k.Set("siblings", []Person{
> {
> Firstname: "Tim",
> Age: 29,
> },
> {
> Firstname: "Bob",
> Age: 40,
> },
> })
> k.Set("age", 23, "siblings[1].age", 39)
> var person Person
> k.To(&person)
> }
> ```
> I am working hard to provide a ready-for-production release, but any 
> feedback or suggestion will be appreciated in the meantime! #golangdeveloper
> Thank you so much in advance! 

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