On Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 14:05:49 UTC+1 John Pritchard wrote: 

I have a disparity between "go run" [
and "go build" [https://github.com/syntelos/go-type-abstraction/tree/third].  
Using go version 1.21.0.

I don't quite understand where "go run" comes into this.  In your Makefile 
<https://github.com/syntelos/go-type-abstraction/blob/third/Makefile>, both 
options use "go build".

"make list" is doing something dubious:

go_sources := $(shell ls *.go)
list: main/main.go $(go_sources)
go build -o $@ $<

That is, I think you're trying to compile "main/main.go" and "types.go" at 
the same time into a single object file.  But types.go is "package types" 
whereas main.go is "package main".  That should give you an error; if it 
doesn't, that makes me suspect that go_sources is in fact empty.  The "make 
list" output you show in README.txt appears to confirm this:

$ make
go build -o list main/main.go    # <<< note that no additional sources are 
listed on the command line

In main.go, there is a pretty clear error that the compiler calls out in 
line 46:
main/main.go:46:15: undefined: Abstract

The corresponding source line 
var abstract Abstract = types.Init()

and as far as I can see, it's correct: you have no type "Abstract" in 
package main in main.go (in otherwise, you should be referring to 

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