On Sat, 2023-08-26 at 13:45 +0100, Jason E. Aten wrote:
> ah... there is documentation, it is just buried...
> https://pkg.go.dev/gonum.org/v1/gonum/mat#section-readme
> "All matrices are stored in row-major format and users should
> consider this when expressing matrix arithmetic to ensure optimal
> performance."
> Seems odd not to allow both; since this is usually very important for
> perf.

The original Cgo code did allow both. The maintenance burden or
providing both for the Go implementation would have been far too
onerous, so the column-major implementation option was remove from the
Cgo wrapper for parity.

I don't think the docs are buried; that is the first place people will
look in general.

FWIW The choice between rm and cm is difficult; all of Go is cm. All of
Fortran is cm (also any GPU code). We've had this discussion internally
and probably if we did it again, we might have chosen cm, but then we'd
get people complaining that they can't represent matrices in source


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