Thank's for the findings.

We verified the same issue on linux/s390x for go 1.21.4  and also the issue 
is not reproducing in the go1.20.11. 

>From our initial findings of disassembled data, we are seeing an additional 
instruction getting emitted i.e. SLLG instruction on go1.21.4.
This instruction is left shifting the operand logically by 24 bits. Due to 
this we feel that the output is incorrect.

Below is the disassembled output for the "passAsIfaceAndThenDoOp" function.

*For go 1.20.11:*
00000000000a8910 <main.passAsIfaceAndThenDoOp>:
   a8910:       e3 30 d0 10 00 04       lg      %r3,16(%r13)
   a8916:       ec 3f 00 61 a0 65       clgrjnl %r3,%r15,a89d8 
   a891c:       e3 e0 ff 98 ff 24       stg     %r14,-104(%r15)
   a8922:       e3 ff 0f 98 ff 71       lay     %r15,-104(%r15,%r0)
   a8928:       e3 e0 f0 00 00 24       stg     %r14,0(%r15)
   a892e:       e3 00 f0 70 00 04       lg      %r0,112(%r15)
   a8934:       c0 10 00 00 a1 66       larl    %r1,bcc00 <type:*+0xcc00>
   a893a:       ec 01 00 41 60 64       cgrjne  %r0,%r1,a89bc 
   a8940:       e3 10 f0 78 00 04       lg      %r1,120(%r15)
   a8946:       e3 00 10 00 00 04       lg      %r0,0(%r1)
   a894c:       e5 48 f0 58 00 00       mvghi   88(%r15),0
   a8952:       e5 48 f0 60 00 00       mvghi   96(%r15),0
   a8958:       e3 00 f0 08 00 24       stg     %r0,8(%r15)
   a895e:       c0 e5 ff fb 8f 69       brasl   %r14,1a830 <runtime.convT64>
   a8964:       e3 20 f0 10 00 04       lg      %r2,16(%r15)
   a896a:       c0 10 00 00 77 0b       larl    %r1,b7780 <type:*+0x7780>
   a8970:       eb 12 f0 58 00 24       stmg    %r1,%r2,88(%r15)
   a8976:       c4 28 00 05 7b 0d       lgrl    %r2,157f90 <os.Stdout>
   a897c:       c0 10 00 01 ec e6       larl    %r1,e6348 
   a8982:       c0 30 00 01 16 4d       larl    %r3,cb61c 
   a8988:       eb 13 f0 08 00 24       stmg    %r1,%r3,8(%r15)
   a898e:       e5 48 f0 20 00 1a       mvghi   32(%r15),26
   a8994:       41 0f 00 58             la      %r0,88(%r15,%r0)
   a8998:       e3 00 f0 28 00 24       stg     %r0,40(%r15)
   a899e:       e5 48 f0 30 00 01       mvghi   48(%r15),1
   a89a4:       e5 48 f0 38 00 01       mvghi   56(%r15),1
   a89aa:       c0 e5 ff ff bb 03       brasl   %r14,9ffb0 <fmt.Fprintf>
   a89b0:       e3 e0 f0 00 00 04       lg      %r14,0(%r15)
   a89b6:       a7 fb 00 68             aghi    %r15,104
   a89ba:       07 fe                   br      %r14
   a89bc:       b9 04 00 21             lgr     %r2,%r1
   a89c0:       c0 30 00 00 83 30       larl    %r3,b9020 <type:*+0x9020>
   a89c6:       b9 04 00 10             lgr     %r1,%r0
   a89ca:       eb 13 f0 08 00 24       stmg    %r1,%r3,8(%r15)
   a89d0:       c0 e5 ff fb 8d b0       brasl   %r14,1a530 
   a89d6:       07 00                   nopr
   a89d8:       b9 04 00 5e             lgr     %r5,%r14
   a89dc:       c0 e5 ff fe 9f 0a       brasl   %r14,7c7f0 
   a89e2:       a7 f4 ff 97             j       a8910 

*For go 1.21.4:*
00000000000a8250 <main.passAsIfaceAndThenDoOp>:
   a8250:       e3 30 d0 10 00 04       lg      %r3,16(%r13)
   a8256:       ec 3f 00 64 a0 65       clgrjnl %r3,%r15,a831e 
   a825c:       e3 e0 ff 98 ff 24       stg     %r14,-104(%r15)
   a8262:       e3 ff 0f 98 ff 71       lay     %r15,-104(%r15,%r0)
   a8268:       e3 e0 f0 00 00 24       stg     %r14,0(%r15)
   a826e:       e3 00 f0 70 00 04       lg      %r0,112(%r15)
   a8274:       c0 10 00 00 a7 16       larl    %r1,bd0a0 <type:*+0xd0a0>
   a827a:       ec 01 00 44 60 64       cgrjne  %r0,%r1,a8302 
   a8280:       e3 10 f0 78 00 04       lg      %r1,120(%r15)
   a8286:       e3 00 10 00 00 04       lg      %r0,0(%r1)
   *a828c:       eb 00 00 18 00 0d       sllg    %r0,%r0,2*4          
----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   This is the 
extra instruction which is getting emitted in the case of go 1.21
   a8292:       e5 48 f0 58 00 00       mvghi   88(%r15),0
   a8298:       e5 48 f0 60 00 00       mvghi   96(%r15),0
   a829e:       e3 00 f0 08 00 24       stg     %r0,8(%r15)
   a82a4:       c0 e5 ff fb 94 be       brasl   %r14,1ac20 <runtime.convT64>
   a82aa:       e3 20 f0 10 00 04       lg      %r2,16(%r15)
   a82b0:       c0 10 00 00 77 b8       larl    %r1,b7220 <type:*+0x7220>
   a82b6:       eb 12 f0 58 00 24       stmg    %r1,%r2,88(%r15)
   a82bc:       c4 28 00 05 89 26       lgrl    %r2,159508 <os.Stdout>
   a82c2:       c0 10 00 01 ff bb       larl    %r1,e8238 
   a82c8:       c0 30 00 01 1d 5a       larl    %r3,cbd7c 
   a82ce:       eb 13 f0 08 00 24       stmg    %r1,%r3,8(%r15)
   a82d4:       e5 48 f0 20 00 1a       mvghi   32(%r15),26
   a82da:       41 0f 00 58             la      %r0,88(%r15,%r0)
   a82de:       e3 00 f0 28 00 24       stg     %r0,40(%r15)
   a82e4:       e5 48 f0 30 00 01       mvghi   48(%r15),1
   a82ea:       e5 48 f0 38 00 01       mvghi   56(%r15),1
   a82f0:       c0 e5 ff ff ba 78       brasl   %r14,9f7e0 <fmt.Fprintf>
   a82f6:       e3 e0 f0 00 00 04       lg      %r14,0(%r15)
   a82fc:       a7 fb 00 68             aghi    %r15,104
   a8300:       07 fe                   br      %r14   
   a8302:       b9 04 00 21             lgr     %r2,%r1
   a8306:       c0 30 00 00 89 dd       larl    %r3,b96c0 <type:*+0x96c0>
   a830c:       b9 04 00 10             lgr     %r1,%r0
   a8310:       eb 13 f0 08 00 24       stmg    %r1,%r3,8(%r15)
   a8316:       c0 e5 ff fb 93 2d       brasl   %r14,1a970 
   a831c:       07 00                   nopr   
   a831e:       b9 04 00 5e             lgr     %r5,%r14
   a8322:       c0 e5 ff fe be 17       brasl   %r14,7ff50 
   a8328:       a7 f4 ff 94             j       a8250 

As you can see above that the SLLG instruction is logically left shifting 
the second operand (r0) by 24bits and placing it in the first operand (r0).
Due to this, the 64 bit contents of "r0" register is becoming 

Ex: r0: ==> 0x00000000ABCDEFf12
After SLLG instruction  
sllg %r0, %r0, 24  
The r0 becomes ==> 0x00ABCDEF12000000
After this we returning the r0 content.

We are further taking a look at the same. We will share our further 
findings when we have it.

On Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 8:10:39 PM UTC+5:30 Timothy Olsen wrote:

> I can confirm that it is six zeroes.  That is indeed weird and highlights 
> that it's not just a simple switching of the fields.
> I will file a ticket now.  Thank you!
> -Tim
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 8:30 PM 'Keith Randall' via golang-nuts <
>> wrote:
>> It seems strange that the bad result is ABCDEF12000000 and not 
>> ABCDEF1200000000. i.e., 6 zeros and not 8. Can you confirm?
>> Definitely sounds like a bug to me. You should open an issue.
>> On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 1:44:59 PM UTC-8 Timothy Olsen wrote:
>>> A coworker suggested I try with optimizations off:
>>> [ ~]$ go version
>>> go version go1.21.4 linux/s390x
>>> [ ~]$ go build -o /tmp/scratch_1 
>>> scratch_1.go 
>>> [ ~]$ /tmp/scratch_1 
>>> ABCDEF12
>>> ABCDEF12000000
>>> [ ~]$ go build -gcflags='-N' -o 
>>> /tmp/scratch_1 scratch_1.go
>>> [ ~]$ /tmp/scratch_1 
>>> ABCDEF12
>>> ABCDEF12
>>> [ ~]$ export 
>>> GOROOT=/opt/golang/go1.20.11
>>> [ ~]$ export 
>>> PATH=${GOROOT}/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/ibm/java-s390x-80/bin:/home/tolsen/.local/bin:/home/tolsen/bin
>>> [ ~]$ go build -o /tmp/scratch_1 
>>> scratch_1.go 
>>> [ ~]$ /tmp/scratch_1 
>>> ABCDEF12
>>> ABCDEF12
>>> [ ~]$ 
>>> That further confirms a bug with optimizations on s390x (and possibly 
>>> other big endian machines?) .
>>> -Tim
>>> On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 4:36 PM '' via golang-nuts <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I believe I've found a code-optimization bug in Go 1.21.4 on Linux 
>>>> s390x.  This is what I was able to narrow the code sample down to:
>>>> //////////
>>>> package main
>>>> import "fmt"
>>>> type myStruct struct {
>>>> A uint32
>>>> B uint32
>>>> }
>>>> func doOpOnStructElems(a, b uint32) uint64 {
>>>> return (uint64(a) << 32) | uint64(b)
>>>> }
>>>> func main() {
>>>> myVal := myStruct{0, 0xABCDEF12}
>>>> passAsMyStructAndThenDoOp(myVal)
>>>> passAsIfaceAndThenDoOp(myVal)
>>>> }
>>>> func passAsMyStructAndThenDoOp(myVal myStruct) {
>>>> fmt.Printf("%X\n", doOpOnStructElems(myVal.A, myVal.B))
>>>> }
>>>> func passAsIfaceAndThenDoOp(myIface interface{}) {
>>>> fmt.Printf("%X\n", doOpOnStructElems(myIface.(myStruct).A, 
>>>> myIface.(myStruct).B))
>>>> }
>>>> ////////
>>>> When I run it I get:
>>>> /////
>>>> $ go run scratch_1.go 
>>>> ABCDEF12
>>>> ABCDEF12000000
>>>> //////
>>>> If I run it on Linux zSeries w/ Go 1.20.11 or on Linux AMD64, Linux 
>>>> ARM64, or macOS w/ Go 1.21.4, I get what I believe is the correct answer:
>>>> ////
>>>> $ go run scratch_1.go 
>>>> ABCDEF12
>>>> ABCDEF12
>>>> ////
>>>> In other words, with Go 1.21.4 and s390x it appears that A & B are 
>>>> switched in the 2nd call which passes the struct as an interface{} .
>>>> s390x is the only big endian platform I am able to test on.  So I 
>>>> suspect there may be an endianness issue here.  I suspect something has 
>>>> gone wrong with some sort of code optimization because if I insert 
>>>> Println() at the beginning of doOpOnStructElems(), the problem goes away.  
>>>> So it's possible there's some bug with code inlining when what is being 
>>>> passed in was originally passed in as an interface in the caller?
>>>> If someone could confirm that this is indeed a bug I will be happy to 
>>>> file an issue.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Tim
>>> -- 
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