The ubiquitous io.Reader interface's Read method returns a (int,
error). Surprisingly (for programmers coming from other languages with
a built-in or idiomatic Result<T, E> type), it's possible for both
return values to be non-zero. There's (often overlooked??) commentary
in that says:

> Callers should always process the n > 0 bytes returned before considering the 
> error err.

So that (again, especially for programmers used to saying result? or
"try result" or similar Result<T, E> aware mechanisms in other
languages), the following Go code is incorrect:

n, err := r.Read(buffer, etc)
if err != nil {
  return err


Do any of the early Gophers remember the motivations for designing
Read's semantics in that way? At the libc or syscall level (and my
reading of FD.Read in internal/poll/fd_unix.go), I don't think
read(fd, etc) can return both non-zero.

Is it just that, if you've got a buffer of some sort (including the
compress/* packages), it can be more efficient (1 Read call instead of
2) to return (positiveN, io.EOF)?

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