On Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 2:35 AM 'TheDiveO' via golang-nuts
<golang-nuts@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> On Linux, given an arbitrary binary executable with symbol information in the 
> executable, how can I lookup an instruction pointer address to get the 
> corresponding symbol name?
> The binary (and its process) isn't a Go binary, but any arbitrary executable. 
> The stack unwinding has already been done, so I'm presented with a list of 
> instruction pointer addresses (return addresses) which I need to convert to 
> more useful symbol names.
> I've seen the stdlib's debug/elf package, but I lack the ELF knowledge to 
> press the elf package's knobs in the right order. Any examples of how to use 
> debug/elf, and is it even the right package to use in this case?

debug/elf is the package to use.  You'll want to call the Symbols
method and look through the Symbols for one whose Value is <= the PC
you want while Value+Size is > the PC you want.

If you are looking at runtime PC's from a stack trace, be aware that
on most systems these days programs are position-independent, so there
will be an offset between the addresses in the binary and the
addresses from the stack trace.  I don't know offhand of a standard
way to figure out that offset.


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