On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 10:34 AM Benoît Marguerie <bmarg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I discovered a "strange" behavior doing a simple operation.
> I defined 2 const : one integer and one string. With delve (or other 
> debugger), I'm able to consult the const integer value but not the const 
> string value. Delve team explained me that the go compiler doesn't export 
> symbol of const string.
> Sorry for the newbee's question but is there anybody knowing why the symbol 
> can be exported for an integer but not for a string ?

Please include a code example that you're investigating using delve.
I, for one, cannot infer enough information from your post to be sure
what exactly is the problem and hence if the observed is - or is not -
an expected outcome.

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