recebi este email do dono da FÓRUM
ele faz campanha por ouro pois está atochado com ouro até a tampa com est a
crise de confiança nos bancos e no sistema financeiro em geral...

mas como reserva em tempo de crise vc não sai carregando ouro na

On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Rubens <> wrote:

> ...
> AKA| "Aristotle correctly observed, in the 4th century BCE, that a good
> money must have five
> | characteristics. It must be durable (which is why we don’t use, say,
> wheat, as money), divisible
> | (which is why artwork isn’t practical), convenient (which is why lead
> isn’t very good), consistent
> | (which rules out real estate), and must have value in itself (which is
> why paper doesn’t work). Gold,
> | of the 92 naturally occurring elements, is particularly well suited for
> use as money. There’s no magic
> | involved, no mysticism, no need for all kinds of laws; it’s really just
> common sense.”
> Esse Aristotle era um mané mesmo... Quero ver alguem
> andar pelas ruas com varias barras de ouro na carteira...
> [ ] Rubens
> .

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