On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Tor Hildrum wrote:

> Hi there, I just have a little peculiarity that I am wondering about.
> The following code works as expected:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> while(<>)
> {
>      @F = split('');
>      print map unpack("B8",$_),@F;
> }
> Test run:
> tor% ./test.pl
> abc
> 01100001011000100110001100001010*
> BUT:
> tor% perl -aF'' -ne 'print map{unpack"B8",[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> does not.

You can use -aF// and it does work.

> tor% perl -aF'' -ne 'print map{unpack"B8",[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> abc
> 01100001
> Doesn't autosplit or -F work as described in perlrun?
> Tried both Perl 5.005_03 and 5.8
> Tor
> * Need to add some spaces, but haven't figured out any
> decent method yet. :)

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