Hello Riley!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Riley) wrote:

> ...But I'm having trouble understanding the winning
> solution:
> -p0 $_=reverse,s/\.(?=(.{$&}x)+.{$&}o)/*/swhile$^C+=9870=~/./g

There are some buildin variables that behave not like usual
perl variables since they are represented by some internal fixed form,
like for example $^C and $^H that are bytes.

So when you modify these vars, their values are bounded by this
internal form.   $^C default value is 0, it grows when you increase it
but only until 127.   It becomes -128 after that due to sign,
and then increases until 0 again.

'something while++$^C' becomes a loop, like in "go" golf

Mtv Europe

P.S. Riley, my email replies to you were bounced.

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