Andrew Savige wrote:
> I'm interested to learn the shortest Perl expression for each
> number -- but without using any numbers. Here's what I've come
> up with so far. Improvements welcome. Oh, and please feel free
> to extend the table below ($X[60] being especially juicy;-).
> BTW, $= is my favourite Perl built-in variable. What's yours?
> /-\
> $X[0]  = $%;
> $X[1]  = !$%;
> $X[2]  = $^F;
> $X[3]  = $^F+!$%;
> $X[4]  = $^F+$^F;
> $X[5]  = $^F+$^F+!$%;
> $X[6]  = $^F+$^F+$^F;
> $X[6]  = ($==~/./,$&);
> $X[7]  = $=>>$^F+!$%;
> $X[8]  = !$%.$%-$^F;
> $X[9]  = !$%.$%-!$%;

$X[3] = P^c;
$X[4] = P^d;
$X[5] = P^e;
$X[6] = P^f;
$X[7] = P^g;
$X[8] = P^h;
$X[9] = P^i;

Rick Klement

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