Hello All!

While we're waiting for the new golf, I wanted to share with everyone
a new script that I've written, and open it up to discussion. Kudos to
those who can figure out what it does without running it...


#!/usr/bin/perl -l
for 1..19; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; open(A,$0); $nth=
join('',<A>); $nth=~s/\s+//og;split(
/;/,$nth);$ee=0;foreach(@[EMAIL PROTECTED]){while
(length($_)<= $J[$ee]) {$J[$ee]=int(
sqrt($J[$ee]));} @PP=split//; $char=
$PP[$J[$ee]];[EMAIL PROTECTED],$" if((65<=ord(
,$char=$PP[$J[$ee]]};[EMAIL PROTECTED], $char;
$!=$char+ ++$ee;}$char=chr($!+index(
$_[-4],'!'));@HH[umask()[EMAIL PROTECTED];
$nth= close(A);$results = print @HH;

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