
I have a query filter on an entity Person that person.name be in listA
and person.country in listB. As far as I can see, there're 2 options:
1. Create a query "select t from Person t where t.name = :listAElement
and t.country = :listBElement" and run it listA.size() * listB.size()
times, then combine the result sets.
2. Create a query "select t from Person t where t.name =:listAElement"
and run it once, then for each entity in the resultset, check if its
country is in listB.

For option 1, I am not sure about querying the datastore too many
times will case a serious performance issue.

For option 2, I may have to get all results back, may be several
several thousands, and this may be not achievable, is it?

Any help is highly appreciated.

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