Ive implemented the stockwatcher application and have adjusted it so
that it stores names and phone numbers. That all seems to be working
ok, however Ive now implemented a "get" function which looks for a
name, and returns a phone number. However, whats happening is that the
first search i do returns nothing, then if i search for the same name
again, then it returns the correct phone number, then if i search for
another name, it returns the first name's phone instead.

eg I have the following data in the datastore:

john 1111
paul 2222

i request the phone number for john and i get back ""
I request the phone number for paul and i get back "1111"
I request the phone number for john and i get back "2222"

Client side Java file contains:

    private String GetOneContact(String Name) {
        ContactService = GWT.create(ContactService.class);
        ContactService.getoneContact(Name,new AsyncCallback<String>()
            public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
            public void onSuccess(String Phone) {
        return (PhoneResult);

Server side (ContactServiceImpl.java) contains:

  public String getoneContact(String Name) throws NotLoggedInException
            String Phone="x";
            PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
            try {
                //Query q = pm.newQuery(Contact.class, "user == u &&
                Query q = pm.newQuery(Contact.class, "user == u");
                q.declareParameters("com.google.appengine.api.users.User u");
                //q.declareParameters("John n");
                List<Contact> Contacts = (List<Contact>) q.execute(getUser
                      for (Contact contact : Contacts) {
                                if (Name.equals(contact.getName())) 

            } finally {
            return (Phone);
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