Let consider a different approach. Take into account that Article and
Reviewer are rather immutable data (you need adding new article but
not to change existing), why break this nice feature.
Consider several classes:
Article { Key , {tags} .... next attribuites }
Reviewer { Key, mail, ... next attributes }
ArticleNotReviewedYet { Key articleKey }
ArticleUnderReview { Key articleKey, Key reviewerKey, int
reviewResult }
ArticleReviewed {Key articleKey, int totalReviewResult }

This way if you want:
- to know the status of the article : find article in the first table
and find (by looking up the articleKey only) in what table
(ArticleNotReviewed, ArticleUnderReview, ArticleReviewed) contains the
- to add new article: add article to Article and entry to
- to start review: remove article from ArticleNotReviewed and add an
entry in ArticleUnderReview
- to add next review result: add next entry to ArticleUnderReview
- to end up review: remove all articleKey entries in
ArticleUnderReview and create entry in ArticleReviewed

Of course, it needs much more elaboration, but may be it is worth

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