yeah I did that..

and what I get are two different values from this block

At first time of app startup
vik.sakshum.sakshumweb.jsp.model.jdo.PMF <clinit>: Loading PMF in

and in another flow
vik.sakshum.sakshumweb.jsp.model.jdo.PMF <clinit>: Loading PMF in

So, it means it is trying to load it in two different class loaders. So, how
should I fix it?

Thankx and Regards


On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 5:14 AM, Jason (Google) <apija...@google.com> wrote:

> Based on one of your recent posts, it seems like multiple
> PersistenceManagerFactory instances are being created by different
> classloaders. Since this is an expensive operation, this could explain why
> you're experiencing such slow performance. Did you follow Toby's suggestion
> in the last post?
> -----
> 1)  Are you maybe loading that singleton class in different classloaders?
> Try logging the classloader object reference that tries to create the
> PersistenceManagerFactory. You can add a static initializer ABOVE
> pmfInstance.
> static {
>   logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Loading PMF in " +
> PMF.class.getClassLoader()");
> }
> -----
> - Jason
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Vik <vik....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hie
>> Strange to hear that if it is creating PMF again....
>> Should it do it just once when i logged in? In the logging process I do
>> get an instance of PMF. So, why it is doing that again?
>> Any advise what may be going wrong here?
>> Thankx and Regards
>> Vik
>> Founder
>> www.sakshum.com
>> www.sakshum.blogspot.com
>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:25 PM, datanucleus <andy_jeffer...@yahoo.com>wrote:
>>> >    17.  I09-03 09:46AM 31.994
>>> >
>>> >    vik.sakshum.sakshumweb.jsp.model.jdo.PMF <clinit>: Loading PMF in
>>> > com.google.apphosting.runtime.security.userclassloa...@8fcc7b
>>> >
>>> >    18.  I09-03 09:46AM 41.622
>>> Don't you think it's a strange way to "benchmark" things by including
>>> known one-off operations like creating a PMF ?
>>> Personally that ought to be included in application startup timings,
>>> rather than "time taken to read 200 records".
> >

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