I'm having a similar issue when using the Janino compiler in Drools,
(after I patched Drools' use of unauthorized class loader behavior,
that is).  I'd like to understand better how to patch Janino?

On Aug 31, 11:08 am, Toby Reyelts <to...@google.com> wrote:
> Thanks for filing the issue. As it stands right now, you won't be able to
> load any classes from javax.tools, regardless of whether your intent is or
> is not to write to the file system. If you want to implement the javax.tools
> API, you'll need to use a different package (e.g. my.javax.tools.*). Another
> possibility is that you can patch janino's
> ReflectionIClass.getDeclaredIClasses2 to work without reflection. You should
> be able to get access to the declared classes just by looking at the class
> files corresponding to a class.
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Albert Attard <albertatt...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Hey Toby:
> > Hope you had a nice weekend.
> > Just did: issue 
> > 2042<http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=2042>
> > What other option do I have? Is it possible to include a library (a jar
> > file) similar to janino which makes use of the *javax.tools* but does not
> > write to the file system? All persistence happens to the datastore similar
> > to the: gaevfs <http://code.google.com/p/gaevfs/>. I was thinking of
> > writing a small API using the *javax.tools* and expose an interface. Then
> > will use this interface to compile and execute code at runtime.
> > Possible?
> > Albert Attard
> > Stephen 
> > Leacock<http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/s/stephen_leacock.html> - 
> > "I detest life-insurance agents: they always argue that I shall some day
> > die, which is not so."
> > 2009/8/29 Toby Reyelts <to...@google.com>
> > Hey Albert,
> >> I've tracked this down to an oversight on our part. Mind filing an issue?
> >> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Albert Attard 
> >> <albertatt...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >>> Hey Toby:
> >>> Thanks for your input.
> >>> Following is the stack trace for the other problem I was talking about.
> >>> Locally Janino compiles this without any issues, but it's throwing the
> >>> following exception when executed on the app-engine.
> >>> JaninoJavaAssessorHelper compile: THROW
> >>> java.security.AccessControlException: access denied 
> >>> (java.lang.RuntimePermission accessDeclaredMembers)
> >>>    at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
> >>>    at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
> >>>    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
> >>>    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkMemberAccess(Unknown Source)
> >>>    at java.lang.Class.checkMemberAccess(Unknown Source)
> >>>    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredClasses(Unknown Source)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.codehaus.janino.ReflectionIClass.getDeclaredIClasses2(ReflectionIClass.java:101)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.IClass.getDeclaredIClasses(IClass.java:252)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.IClass.findMemberType(IClass.java:617)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.IClass.findMemberType(IClass.java:634)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.IClass.findMemberType(IClass.java:604)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.findMemberType(UnitCompiler.java:8011)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.getType2(UnitCompiler.java:4022)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.access$102(UnitCompiler.java:3990)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler$16.visitReferenceType(UnitCompiler.java:3936)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.Java$ReferenceType.accept(Java.java:1868)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.getType(UnitCompiler.java:3969)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.access$136(UnitCompiler.java:3927)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler$31.getParameterTypes(UnitCompiler.java:6674)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.IClass$IMethod.getDescriptor(IClass.java:762)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.IClass.getIMethods(IClass.java:180)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.IClass.getIMethods(IClass.java:169)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.compile2(UnitCompiler.java:328)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.compile2(UnitCompiler.java:313)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler$3.visitPackageMemberClassDeclaration(UnitCompiler.java:286)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.codehaus.janino.Java$PackageMemberClassDeclaration.accept(Java.java:701)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.compile(UnitCompiler.java:292)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.compileUnit(UnitCompiler.java:270)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.codehaus.janino.SimpleCompiler.compileToClassLoader(SimpleCompiler.java:423)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.SimpleCompiler.cook(SimpleCompiler.java:231)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.Cookable.cook(Cookable.java:72)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.Cookable.cook(Cookable.java:64)
> >>>    at org.codehaus.janino.Cookable.cook(Cookable.java:114)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.albertattard.askme.server.utils.JaninoJavaAssessorHelper.compile(JaninoJavaAssessorHelper.java:30)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.albertattard.askme.server.BuilderServiceImpl.validateAssessor(BuilderServiceImpl.java:40)
> >>>    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> >>>    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
> >>>    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
> >>>    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.runtime.security.shared.intercept.java.lang.reflect.Method_$3.run(Method_.java:149)
> >>>    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.runtime.security.shared.intercept.java.lang.reflect.Method_.privilegedInvoke(Method_.java:147)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.runtime.security.shared.intercept.java.lang.reflect.Method_.invoke(Method_.java:120)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RPC.invokeAndEncodeResponse(RPC.java:527)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet.processCall(RemoteServiceServlet.java:166)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet.doPost(RemoteServiceServlet.java:86)
> >>>    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:713)
> >>>    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:806)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:487)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1093)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.runtime.jetty.SaveSessionFilter.doFilter(SaveSessionFilter.java:35)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1084)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.utils.servlet.TransactionCleanupFilter.doFilter(TransactionCleanupFilter.java:43)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1084)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(ServletHandler.java:360)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.security.SecurityHandler.handle(SecurityHandler.java:216)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle(SessionHandler.java:181)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle(ContextHandler.java:712)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle(WebAppContext.java:405)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.runtime.jetty.AppVersionHandlerMap.handle(AppVersionHandlerMap.java:237)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(HandlerWrapper.java:139)
> >>>    at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(Server.java:313)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(HttpConnection.java:506)
> >>>    at 
> >>> org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.headerComplete(HttpConnection.java:830)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.runtime.jetty.RpcRequestParser.parseAvailable(RpcRequestParser.java:76)
> >>>    at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(HttpConnection.java:381)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.runtime.jetty.JettyServletEngineAdapter.serviceRequest(JettyServletEngineAdapter.java:139)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.runtime.JavaRuntime.handleRequest(JavaRuntime.java:235)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.base.RuntimePb$EvaluationRuntime$6.handleBlockingRequest(RuntimePb.java:4823)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.base.RuntimePb$EvaluationRuntime$6.handleBlockingRequest(RuntimePb.java:4821)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.net.rpc.impl.BlockingApplicationHandler.handleRequest(BlockingApplicationHandler.java:24)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.net.rpc.impl.RpcUtil.runRpcInApplication(RpcUtil.java:359)
> >>>    at com.google.net.rpc.impl.Server$2.run(Server.java:820)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.tracing.LocalTraceSpanRunnable.run(LocalTraceSpanRunnable.java:56)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.tracing.LocalTraceSpanBuilder.internalContinueSpan(LocalTraceSpanBuilder.java:516)
> >>>    at com.google.net.rpc.impl.Server.startRpc(Server.java:775)
> >>>    at com.google.net.rpc.impl.Server.processRequest(Server.java:348)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.net.rpc.impl.ServerConnection.messageReceived(ServerConnection.java:436)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.net.rpc.impl.RpcConnection.parseMessages(RpcConnection.java:319)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.net.rpc.impl.RpcConnection.dataReceived(RpcConnection.java:290)
> >>>    at com.google.net.async.Connection.handleReadEvent(Connection.java:428)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.net.async.EventDispatcher.processNetworkEvents(EventDispatcher.java:762)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.net.async.EventDispatcher.internalLoop(EventDispatcher.java:207)
> >>>    at com.google.net.async.EventDispatcher.loop(EventDispatcher.java:101)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.net.rpc.RpcService.runUntilServerShutdown(RpcService.java:251)
> >>>    at 
> >>> com.google.apphosting.runtime.JavaRuntime$RpcRunnable.run(JavaRuntime.java:374)
> >>>    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
> >>> Cheers,
> >>> Albert Attard
> >>> Ogden Nash <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/o/ogden_nash.html> 
> >>> - "The trouble with a kitten is that when it grows up, it's always a cat."
> >>> 2009/8/27 Toby Reyelts <to...@google.com>
> >>> Logger.throwing logs at Level.FINER. Do you have your logging configured
> >>>> to log at that level (or more fine)?
> >>>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Albert Attard 
> >>>> <albertatt...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >>>>> Hey Toby:
> >>>>> I'm having some trouble with the logging functionality. I'm logging my
> >>>>> exceptions but nothing is showing on the logs. Following a simple class
> >>>>> which uses logging.
> >>>>>  private static final Logger
> ...
> read more »
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