I don't suppose google offers a filter to accomplish a similar
If not, there must be an easier solution to this problem, right? I
suppose many others have written web apps not using Google accounts
for authentication? If so, how do you configure your app to a secure
login and then redirect back to a non ssl after login is complete? I
feel like I'm missing a basic thing here that everyone else is
doing...*scratches head*.

Thanks again for any help!

On Sep 12, 11:43 pm, Peter Ondruska <peter.ondru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Use a filter to achieve this functionality.
> On Sep 13, 6:40 am, WY <wai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I managed to configure my web.xml file to redirect all pages ending
> > with *.dos to be handled by ssl with the following:
> >    <security-constraint>
> >         <web-resource-collection>
> >             <url-pattern>/*.dos</url-pattern>
> >         </web-resource-collection>
> >         <user-data-constraint>
> >             <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>
> >         </user-data-constraint>
> >     </security-constraint>
> > However, I would like it to redirect back to non ssl (http) for all
> > pages ending with *.do. I tried to define another security constraint
> > with the following:
> >         <security-constraint>
> >         <web-resource-collection>
> >             <url-pattern>/*.do</url-pattern>
> >         </web-resource-collection>
> >         <user-data-constraint>
> >             <transport-guarantee>NONE</transport-guarantee>
> >         </user-data-constraint>
> >     </security-constraint>
> > However, after it successfully goes to https, subsequent pages which
> > end in *.do doesn't get redirected back to http.
> > I know that in python, the way to do this is by using "secure: never".
> > Is there an equivalent for the web.xml file?
> > Thanks for any help!
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