
thank you - just before I picked up yr msg I figured out that I had
tried to install it in the wrong place, and tried again. I have now
(re-)installed the 'web toolkit' at v1.6.4, but I haven't yet
reinstalled the app engine to its previous state.

With just the toolkit re-installed, I am now getting a different set
of errors: "Project xxx is missing required library ......

where the missing jars are things like: appengine-tools-api.jar,
appengine-local-runtime-shared.jar, etc'.

does this mean that the gwt sdk v 1.6.4 is closely tied to the
appengine vn that was broken during the upgrade? - or is something
else wrong - at the moment eclipse has appengine v1.2.5 installed -
prior to the upgrade it was 1.2.1. I would like to get back to the
configuration that I had before the upgrade (which worked) - but the
only vn that I can see on the download page is v1.2.5 - so not sure
where to get the 1.2.1 version - or is this a red herring and the
errors are being caused by something else ?

Thank you,

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