Hi Andy,
At this point, no.  For JSP errors generated by javac, the error will refer
to locations inside the generated servlet class, instead of inside the JSP
file it came from.  Errors from the JSP compiler, on the other hand,
*will*generally refer to the actual JSP file/line that caused the

I see that you've already created an issue in the public tracker, which is
exactly the right approach.  Incidentally, you created an issue *just
minutes* before I created essentially the same issue (issue
on your behalf!  That's ok, though; I'll go ahead and mark mine as a

Thanks for reporting this,


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:23 AM, andy <asaut...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   I have been trying out Google App Engine for Java in Hosted mode
> and ran into something I hope someone can shed some light on.  I'm
> using JSP pages and when a JSP page generates an error ( either
> compilation or runtime ) the error message displayed contains
> reference to the line number in the compiled servlet not the jsp
> source.  For example, the following error is displayed for a simple
> invalid tag <% abc %>:
> Unable to compile class for JSP
> Generated servlet error:
>    [javac] C:\DOCUME~1\username\LOCALS~1\Temp
> \Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_war____ut4fm1\jsp\org\apache\jsp\index_jsp.java:
> 53: ';' expected
>  Is there a way to get the GAE hosted mode server to display JSP
> source line level error messages?
>  Any help would be much appreciated.
>  Andy
> >

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