This turned out to be a simple problem. On the client, "http://
localhost/adminpoll" matches the servlet.

Once uploaded to GAE however, that URL no longer mathces - but "http://
localhost/adminpoll/" does. (Note the trailing slash).

On Nov 1, 9:39 am, Kris <> wrote:
> I'm having some trouble after uploading my app. In my web.xml I have:
>         <servlet>
>                 <servlet-name>Poll</servlet-name>
>                 <servlet-class>com.matthews.poll.Controller</servlet-class>
>         </servlet>
>         <servlet-mapping>
>                 <servlet-name>Poll</servlet-name>
>                 <url-pattern>/adminpoll/*</url-pattern>
>         </servlet-mapping>
> Anecdotally this works on my machine. When I upload it however, I'm
> greeted with a 404 and the following log message:
> W 11-01 07:30AM 56.854
> No handlers matched this URL.
> com.matthews.poll is a package I added to my eclipse project post
> creation (e.g. it's not the default one eclipse created for me). Do I
> need to do something special to get this package to upload to app
> engine? Can anyone point out something I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks :)
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