Sessions are also stored in memcache.  To clear this you can write a simple
page that calls memcache.clearAll();

2009/11/3 pgoetz <>

> Hi Jason,
> thank you very much for your answer. I think that you are right, but
> have to admit, that I cannot prove it. I have tested the application
> again after some time (browser has been closed in between), and
> everything worked fine.
> Is it possible, that sessions (javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) are not
> being killed between application deployments? I have deleted the data
> in my datastore via the Admin Console, just as you proposed, and no
> data had been left. But I remember one instance of this persistent
> object in the session (although I thought I would detach it from the
> datastore), and that could have been the one that caused this
> problem.
> I would very much appreciate the information, if the session data is
> being kept alive between deployments and if I can delete those as
> well.
> Thanks a lot!
> Greetings,
> Peter
> >

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