This past Wednesday, the App Engine team hosted the latest session of
its bimonthly IRC office hours. A transcript of the session and a
summary of the topics covered is provided below. The next session will
take place on Wednesday, November 18th from 9:00-10:00 a.m. PST in the
#appengine channel on

Note that this will be the first morning Chat Time session to occur
after daylight time in the U.S. ends, which means that it will be
taking place one hour earlier than usual in countries or states that
don't observe daylight savings time. Please be aware of this time
difference so you don't inadvertently miss the session.

- Jason

- Q: Does Google have any intention of contributing changes to Django
that make it easier to use with App Engine, particularly the datastore
bits? A: Our intent is to make it as easy as possible to get up and
running with any framework (assuming that the framework is compatible
with App Engine's sandbox restrictions). Some frameworks will work
better out-of-the-box than others, particularly those with more
general database abstractions that don't assume the use of a
relational database. For Django in particular, while we don't plan to
augment the framework directly, we don't discourage the various third-
party libraries which aim to make App Engine integration easier,
including Django AE Utils and app-engine-patch.  [7:05, 7:07,
7:10-7:17, 7:19]

- Q: Is there any status update on issue 1695 (high rate of
DeadlineExceededErrors on instance startup)? A: We're constantly
working on improving instance startup time for both runtimes. If you
see these errors consistently in Python, try removing any unnecessary
imports or move the import statements closer to the lines of code
where they're needed -- this prevents the imports from loading all at
once. Additional optimization techniques are described in
[7:19, 7:22-7:25]

- Q: Has the cause of the daily early-morning latency spikes for
Python applications been determined? A: More than likely, this was a
temporary situation (the latest thread in the corresponding discussion
group thread (
browse_thread/thread/f30e43516030bb09) is from early last week), but
if you continue to see these recurring spike, please post specific
details including application ID, request information, and snippets
from your request logs. [7:31-7:33, 7:36-7:39, 7:44-7:45]

- Q: When can we expect the next SDK and what features will it have?
A: We're shooting for a November release and it will tentatively have
datastore cursor support (both runtimes), better support for JDO/JPA
inheritance (Java runtime), etc. although the features are still
subject to change. [7:32, 7:37, 7:46, 7:49-7:50, 7:52]

- Q: Why does the Dashboard show a higher amount of storage space used
than the datastore statistics page? A: Indexes are not accounted for
(yet) on the datastore statistics page, so if you have a large number
of unindexed properties and entities, the bulk of your storage can be
consumed by indexes. [7:39-7:46, 7:48-7:50, 7:52-7:55]

- Q: When building applications for multiple clients, is it reasonable
to partition kinds by client and use datastore statistics to determine
how much space each client is using individually? A: There are
problems with this approach. For example, if any of your kinds require
custom indexes (indexes defined in index.yaml or datastore-
indexes.xml), you will have to re-deploy your application for every
client since indexes can't be built programatically. A better solution
may be to deploy a new application per client, but you have to
complete a form in order to do so without violating App Engine's terms
of service:
[7:56, 7:58-8:03]

--FULL TRANSCRIPT---------------------------------------------------
[7:00pm] Jason_Google: Hi Everyone. I'm kicking off today's Chat Time
session. I'll be in the channel for the next hour to answer any App
Engine questions, so shoot!
[7:02pm] Jason_Google: Any questions?
[7:05pm] salsakran: Jason_Google: in the recent django 1.2 voting for
app engine support it was brought up that there was approval for one
googler to help with app-engine-patch part time. what's google's take
on the various python frameworks running on GAE? Will you guys be
extending webapp at all, or help integrate say django more closely?
[7:07pm] Jason_Google: webapp will be augmented from time to time as
new App Engine features are introduced, e.g. the webapp.xmpp_handlers
that was added with XMPP, but I think the general approach is to make
it as easy as possible to get up and running with any preferred
framework, which on the Python side, is usually Django.
[7:08pm] AreEmmKay: are there going to be more libraries supported
with the use_library() function?
[7:09pm] AreEmmKay: (would vote for pytz)
[7:09pm] Jason_Google: I don't know of any specific plans, but we did
add Django 1.0 support in a recent release, so we're open to these
kind of updates.
[7:10pm] Jason_Google: Thanks for the request. Have you filed it in
the issue tracker?
[7:10pm] moraes_: app engine can't upgrade diango on each new release.
that is just insane.
[7:10pm] moraes_: *django
[7:10pm] salsakran: Jason_Google: gotcha ... is there any hope of
making the process of porting django apps a little less painful?
[7:11pm] Jason_Google: moraes_: No, not on every release, but we can
add support for newer versions of Django from time to time. Before 1.0
support was added, it was one of the most requested features.
[7:11pm] moraes_: django must support datastore to be less painful.
it's not app engine. ;)
[7:11pm] salsakran: there's an ecosystem of apps/features in django
that would make a big difference in how much stuff has to be custom
coded in a typical application
[7:12pm] moraes_: the problem is how django (admin, apps) are tied to
relational db's.
[7:12pm] Jason_Google: salsakran: I work mostly on the Java side of
things, but what do you find especially painful when moving existing
Django-based apps to App Engine, aside from datastore-oriented things?
[7:12pm] salsakran: datastore-orientated things :)
[7:12pm] moraes_: unsolvable. need a new django. :p
[7:12pm] Jason_Google: salsakran: :)
[7:13pm] salsakran: for a lot of apps, the underlying DB access
patterns aren't particularly relational
[7:13pm] salsakran: but even just going through and having to change
all the accesses from <blah>.all to a query or GQL call is tedious and
error prone
[7:14pm] Jason_Google: salsakran: I wouldn't be surprised if there
were third-party libraries to make this easier with App Engine, since
many GAE developers do use Django.
[7:15pm] moraes_: it depends on django / django community interest in
making apps using non-relational db's - droppding django orm, that is.
[7:15pm] Jason_Google: salsakran: Django AE Utils sounds promising:
[7:16pm] salsakran: Jason: I'm using that, and app-engine-patch is
another project that does the same
[7:16pm] Jason_Google: salsakran: Ah, I see.
[7:17pm] salsakran: I guess my question was whether google was going
to take an active part in helping frameworks transition to a bigtable
backed ORM model, or leave it to open source projects
[7:17pm] salsakran: i.e. will we see google commits to django
[7:19pm] nwinter: Jason_Google: It's not Java, but do you know of any
progress on Issue 1695? Clumps of DeadlineExceededErrors on instance
startup frequently happen and make all sorts of errors and slowness:
[7:19pm] Jason_Google: salsakran: Some Googlers may commit changes to
Django in their spare time, I'm not sure. But in general, this isn't
something that the core team is working on. Until Django has better
support for other storage systems, you'll have to rely on other open
source projects.
[7:19pm] salsakran: gotcha
[7:20pm] lurkdev: are logs of these chats posted on the web?
[7:22pm] Jason_Google: nwinter: I'm aware of some changes being made
on the Java side to speed up access time, but I'm not sure of the
specifics on the Python side. Guido (Google engineer) commented in
that thread so it sounds like he's aware of the issue. I do concur
with his point that it sounds like something strange is happening if
it takes 20 seconds to start -- that's not typical, especially for
Python-based apps.
[7:22pm] Jason_Google: lurkdev: I'll post a summary and transcript
later this week or early next week to the three App Engine discussion
[7:23pm] nwinter: Yes, it seems like instance startups usually work
(and quickly), but sometimes just die randomly somewhere while
importing modules and hit the 30 second timeout, then leaving a zombie
instance around. Frustrating.
[7:24pm] lurkdev: cool, didn't know if these were routinely logged.
I'll have to look at the groups
[7:24pm] Jason_Google: nwinter: Understood. I'll follow up on this and
hopefully update the issue soon.
[7:25pm] nwinter: Thanks! I'm sure it's being worked on, because it
gets better or worse every couple weeks; just haven't heard anything
in a long time.
[7:27pm] nwinter: Unrelated question: we're starting to hold chats
like this for our users and are wondering about scheduling. Does the
every-other-Wednesday-alternating-morning-and-night schedule work
well, and do morning and night get similar attendance?
[7:28pm] Jason_Google: Hmm.
[7:29pm] Wooble: oh hey I only missed half of the chat this time ;)
[7:29pm] Jason_Google: nwinter: The morning (PST) session gets more
traffic than the evening, but I think it's helpful to have both so
some users don't have to stay up especially late to ask their
questions, even though I know some do.
[7:29pm] moraes_: \o/
[7:31pm] Wooble: Question: have you guys idenitified what's causing
the 8AM daily spikes?  is it really just lots of people waking up at
once and using apps?
[7:31pm] Jason_Google: There's about half an hour left in today's Chat
Time session, so keep the questions coming. :)
[7:31pm] nwinter: Ah, okay. We have a lot of users in China, but they
were all asleep the first time we did it.
[7:32pm] Jason_Google: Wooble: Interesting, I hadn't noticed these
spikes. You're seeing this consistently across all of your apps?
[7:32pm] moraes_: new sdk release will happen in november, maybe? (i
only ask about new features)
[7:33pm] Wooble: there have been a bunch of messages about them here
each morning.  My apps get like no traffic and no one would notice if
they vanished completely :)
[7:34pm] Wooble: moraes_ can't wait to get those cursors :)
[7:34pm] moraes_: oh yeah :D
[7:35pm] maxoizo: Jason, hi! What about AsyncAPI in java? When you do
it? (and it was promised in early summer, on Google IO)
[7:36pm] Jason_Google: Wooble: Hmm, interesting. I haven't seen
anything in the Java groups about this. It's possible that it's a bug
in the Admin Console's reporting code, as are the dips in most of the
traffic graphs, but I suppose it's possible that everyone wakes up at
the same time. :)
[7:37pm] Jason_Google: moraes_: Yes, we are currently targeting a
November release, although circumstances can still change.
[7:37pm] Wooble: the latency graphs for python seem to be spiking
around the same time; the java ones aren't.
[7:38pm] Wooble: I still like the "that's when the server room gets
vacuumed" theory myself
[7:39pm] Jason_Google: Wooble: :)
[7:39pm] nwinter: Our app is being billed for 57 GBytes of stored
data, but the Statistics only show 7 GBytes. From reading the docs, I
was under the impression that if we hit the 1 MB metadata limit it
just wouldn't show any statistics. Is there some reason the two
numbers should be different?
[7:39pm] Jason_Google: I think I should hang out in the Python
discussion groups more often. It sounds like that's where all the
excitement happens.
[7:40pm] Jason_Google: nwinter: Interesting. Can you send me your app
ID, either privately or not?
[7:40pm] nwinter: skrit
[7:40pm] Jason_Google: Thanks.
[7:41pm] Jason_Google: In general, the resource usage reported in the
daily billing summary should be regarded as canonical, but I agree
that the statistics API should not be that far off. I'll look into it
and let you know.
[7:42pm] nwinter: Okay, thanks.
[7:44pm] Jason_Google: nwinter: I assume you're using GlobalStat, and
not KindStat, etc.?
[7:44pm] bthomson: the latency spikes around 9am aren't a reporting
bug, they are real serving problems
[7:45pm] bthomson: not that 3 days is a trend but it is a bit strange
[7:45pm] nwinter: Uhh... I'm just looking at the Statistics page on
the App Engine Console, not accessing them programmatically or
[7:46pm] _tmatsuo: What features will likely to be introduced in the
next version of SDK?
[7:46pm] Jason_Google: nwinter: Ah, OK. I'd be interested to see what
gets returned programmatically, but it's probably the same as the
Statistics page.
[7:48pm] nwinter: Just checked using GlobalStat and it agrees with
that page, yeah.
[7:49pm] Jason_Google: _tmatsuo: The feature set is still being nailed
down, so I don't want to commit to anything. I'm pretty sure cursors
are going be in though. And, if you're using Java, there's a bunch of
improvements around inheritance in the JDO/JPA layer, etc.
[7:49pm] Jason_Google: nwinter: Thanks. I'm curious about this too.
I'll ask around and see what I can find out for you.
[7:50pm] _tmatsuo: Jason: does inheritance mean something similar to
PolyModel in Python sdk?
[7:50pm] Jason_Google: nwinter: Actually, it's possible that a good
chunk of the remaining space could be indexes, especially given the
number of kinds you have.
[7:52pm] Jason_Google: _tmatsuo: No, not exactly. If you want to use
something like Python's PolyModel, you'll have to use the low-level
API. Basically, with inheritance support, you can have
PersistenceCapable classes extending other PersistenceCapable classes,
with some fields defined in the superclass and some fields defined in
the subclass and everything gets resolved correctly. It's currently
the most popular feature request (or bug, depending on how you look at
it) filed for the JDO/JPA layer.
[7:52pm] nwinter: We do have a bunch of indexes. Is it possible to
analyze index space usage?
[7:53pm] Jason_Google: nwinter: I don't believe there's a public
interface for this yet, although I have already requested it some time
ago. If I were a betting man, this would be my guess, but I'll still
follow up.
[7:54pm] nwinter: Okay. I'm not too concerned about it.
[7:55pm] bthomson: yes, would be nice, the indexes are often 10x the
size of the data
[7:56pm] dw: idle question.. is there any way to get composite indexes
to apply to a model that overrides kind()? i'm wondering if its
possible to reuse the db stats api to get per-customer usage stats, by
suffixing my models with the customer id. but some of those kinds need
composite indexes
[7:56pm] dw: *models = models' kind
[7:57pm] _tmatsuo: Jason: thank you for clarification !
[7:57pm] nwinter: Jason_Google: Thanks for all your help tonight!
[7:58pm] Jason_Google: dw: Not sure I'm following. The Stats API
doesn't currently break down space needed for composite indexes. I
think I may be misunderstanding your intent.
[7:59pm] dw: Jason_Google: currently stats are broken down by kind..
rather than manually counting a particular customer's DS usage, i
thought it might be possible to instead prefix, e.g. the "Posting"
model's kind() with the customer id that is responsible for that kind.
i can then summarize customer's storage usage by summing the stats for
all kinds ending with that customer id
[8:00pm] dw: dont think its possible.. unless i had some crazy script
to update index.yaml and reupload every so often
[8:02pm] Jason_Google: dw: Ah yes, I see what you're saying.
Unfortunately, there's no way to programatically define indexes, so if
you need to handle more advanced queries, this won't be possible. For
apps like this, we will consider granting a TOS exemption to deploy
your app multiple times, one per client. Would this be something you'd
be interested in?
[8:02pm] Jason_Google: Let me dig up the form URL just in case...
[8:03pm] Jason_Google: dw: Here's the link:
[8:04pm] Jason_Google: Thanks for the great chat, Everyone. I'll be
back in two weeks, November 18th, for the next office hour session,
from 9:00-10:00 a.m. PST. I'll be posting a summary and transcript of
this session to the discussion groups by the end of the week or early
next week.
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