Hi all,

This is the first time I'm posting about Gaelyk in this group, I hope it's
okay according to the netiquette of the Group.
If not, please advise me the best place to give some news on that topic, on
an occasional basis.

I wanted to share with you the r*elease of Gaelyk 0.3.2, a lightweight
Groovy toolkit for App Engine*.

Gaelyk is a thin layer on top of the Google App Engine SDK, that is aimed at
simplifying the creation of applications written in the *G**roovy dynamic
language* to be deployed on GAE.
Thanks to Groovlets (servlet scripts basically) and templates, and entities,
you can follow an *MVC paradigm* for creating your applications.
Several nice *syntax shortcuts simplify the usage of the low-level SDK APIs*,
such as an email.send to: "recipi...@gmail.com" shorthand and more.

This new release adds some handy *URL routing system* to have nice RESTful

If you want to learn more about this little framework, please have a look at
the extensive Tutorial:

Gaelyk was also presented recently at the Devoxx conference in Belgium,
along with Patrick Chanezon descripting the GAE platform.
You can view the slides of the presentation here:

You can download Gaelyk and a template project in the download section of
the website: http://gaelyk.appspot.com/download

And get involve in the community: http://gaelyk.appspot.com/community
Particularly, you can join the Gaelyk Google Group for posting questions and
chatting with the users and developers:

Gaelyk is an *Open Source project* licensed under the terms of the *Apache
Software License 2.0*.
The project is hosted on GitHub: http://github.com/glaforge/gaelyk

A number of applications online already use this lightweight toolkit.

   - For example, the Groovy Web Console lets you execute and share Groovy
   scripts online: http://groovyconsole.appspot.com/
   - The Gaelyk website itself is of course a Gaelyk application:
   - The iUI iPhone JavaScript toolkit website is also powered by Gaelyk:
   http://iui-js.appspot.com/ (best viewed with an iPhone)
   - The Averone's company website is developed with Gaelyk:

In the future, we're looking forward to simplifying other parts of the GAE
SDK, for instance providing some nice DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages) to
improve and enrich the low-level datastore APIs to further simplify querying
the datastore, or to create a RESTful language on top of the URL Fetch
service to interact with REST backends.

We're looking forward to your feedback and having you on board!

Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
Head of Groovy Development at SpringSource


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