Now i changed my sort order back from title to id.
And things are working fine again. i am getting the correct number of
So I am sure that there is a problem in Index building. It does say
that index serving but it has not indexed my whole data.

Google guys any opinion on it?


On Dec 5, 7:42 am, Ravi Sharma <> wrote:
> Hi,
> After indexing my all queries returning fewer rows.
> I have this class
> public class AudioMedia{
>     @PrimaryKey
>     @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
>     private Key id;
>     @Persistent
>     private String title;
> .....
>     @Persistent
>     private String audioTitleExternalId;
> }
> initially i was retruning a list of AudioMedia where
> audioTitleExternalId='SomeId' and order by id,and this query was returning
> correct result
> But then i thought its better to sort it out by title.
> SO i created following index
>     <datastore-index kind="AudioMedia" ancestor="false" source="auto">
>         <property name="audioTitleExternalId" direction="asc"/>
>         <property name="title" direction="asc"/>
>     </datastore-index>
> and now i am returning a list of AudioMedia where
> audioTitleExternalId='SomeId' and order by title
> The only change in code i did was replacing id with title and creating
> indexes. Then i waited for half an hour and indexes were created for 50000+
> rows. But now for any audioTitleExternalId i am getting incorrect number of
> AudioMedia rows .
> for example
> SELECT * FROM AudioMedia where audioTitleExternalId='7475'
> when i run this query in Data Viewer, it returns me 6 rows with title and
> audioTitleExternalId for each row as not null.
> But through the java code it returns me only 4 rows. Somehow indexing has
> made my data lost somewhere or unreachable.
> Can you please advise what is the problem here.
> *Fields audioTitleExternalId and title both are not null in all entities.*
> Thanks,
> Ravi.


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