I just updated from 1.2.6 to 1.2.8 and my application code has started
failing locally.

I am using task queue's in order to process uploaded files, this
worked in 1.2.6 (although you had
to manually fire the task queue from the _ah admin console)

Now, it is failing under 1.2.8 (as it seems as though it is now
automatically starting the queue)
with the following exception:

Dec 7, 2009 12:08:57 AM org.quartz.core.JobRunShell run
SEVERE: Job default.a7f0abc6-ed81-4fa4-96f1-c09048a99883 threw an
unhandled Exception:
ApplicationError: 5: http method POST against URL
timed out.
        at com.google.appengine.api.urlfetch.dev.LocalURLFetchService.fetch
        at com.google.appengine.api.labs.taskqueue.dev.UrlFetchJob.execute
        at com.google.appengine.api.labs.taskqueue.dev.UrlFetchJob.execute
        at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:195)
        at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$WorkerThread.run
Dec 7, 2009 12:08:57 AM org.quartz.core.ErrorLogger schedulerError
SEVERE: Job (default.a7f0abc6-ed81-4fa4-96f1-c09048a99883 threw an
org.quartz.SchedulerException: Job threw an unhandled exception. [See
nested exception: com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy
$ApplicationException: ApplicationError: 5: http method POST against
URL http://localhost:8080/admin/gae-tasks/upload/csv/irs/processor.task
timed out.]
        at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:206)
        at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$WorkerThread.run
* Nested Exception (Underlying Cause) ---------------
ApplicationError: 5: http method POST against URL
timed out.
        at com.google.appengine.api.urlfetch.dev.LocalURLFetchService.fetch
        at com.google.appengine.api.labs.taskqueue.dev.UrlFetchJob.execute
        at com.google.appengine.api.labs.taskqueue.dev.UrlFetchJob.execute
        at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:195)
        at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$WorkerThread.run

it implies that there is some form of timeout occuring ... since the
app code has not changed and is not
apparently getting invoked at all, I am somewhat at loss to know how
to resolve this!

Has anyone else seen these problems?


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