Just a short answer to say that I found a similar issue (http://
code.google.com/p/datanucleus-appengine/issues/detail?id=67) about
entities that does not work with unidirectional one to many
relationship after being detached. However converting all my model to
bidirectional relationships does not solve my problem (only setting
the child keys by hand which is not that great...).

On 5 déc, 19:34, Ratamovic <ratamo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> My model contains a Class A <---Bidi one to many---> B ---one to
> many---> C ---one to one---> D.
> I wrote 3 unit tests with appengine 1.2.8 and JDO on eclipse 3.5 which
> generate an error.
> It looks like a bug in JDO to me but I may be wrong:
> 1- org.springframework.orm.jdo.JdoSystemException: can't update the
> sameentitytwicein a transaction or operation; nested exception is
> javax.jdo.JDOException: can't update the sameentitytwicein a
> transaction or operation
> NestedThrowables:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't update the sameentitytwice
> in a transaction or operation
>         at
> org.springframework.orm.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryUtils.convertJdoAccessException
> (PersistenceManagerFactoryUtils.java:247)
>         at org.springframework.orm.jdo.DefaultJdoDialect.translateException
> (DefaultJdoDialect.java:230)
>         at
> org.springframework.orm.jdo.JdoTransactionManager.convertJdoAccessException
> (JdoTransactionManager.java:503)
>         at org.springframework.orm.jdo.JdoTransactionManager.doCommit
> (JdoTransactionManager.java:427)
> However (see the code below), when I change the member variable
> expList of class A then it works. An other way is not to call setEmail
> of class A (but if I set the firstName which is also a String then it
> works)...
> This look like a JDO bug or bug to me.
> 2- com.testgae.xp.server.dao.DaoException:
> javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException: Illegal argument
> NestedThrowables:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't operate on multipleentity
> groups in a single transaction. found both Element {
>   type: "A"
>   id: 1}
>  and Element {
>   type: "C"
>   id: 3
> }
> Here I don't understand because A and C should be in the same group.
> There are only owned relationship between them. If I create the
> hierarchy A->B->C->D all at once it works. But not if I do A->B and
> then ->C->D like in my second test. Is it a bug in my code or a JDO
> bug again?
> If I set manually the key of class C (as a child of B) then that
> works... Another way to make it works is to change the Set of C to a
> List of C in class B.
> Isn't it a bug in JDO or something?
> 3- my "childs" are never loaded. But if I used theupdatedobject
> returned by my DAO instead of loading it from the datastore, then that
> works. All my requests return null. I can't understand why because
> this was working in appengine 1.2.1.
> This is likely something about my code is missing or wrong but I can't
> see what.
> You can find my source code below and also a full packed eclipse
> project ready to import 
> :D:http://www.mediafire.com/file/0rwmfnfjtqg/TestGAE_src.ziphttp://www.mediafire.com/file/tmknjaaoxwn/TestGAE_full.zip
> Thanks a lot for your help!
> Here is an extract of my code:
> @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
> detachable="true")
> public class A {
>         private static final long serialVersionUID = 7061281232540895192L;
>         @PrimaryKey
>         @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
>         private Key _key;
>         @Persistent
>         private String _firstName;
>         @Persistent
>         private String _email;
>         @Persistent(mappedBy="_parent", defaultFetchGroup="true")
>         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>         // If I rename _expList in _aList, then test1 works
>         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>         private List<B> _expList;
> ...
> @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
> detachable="true")
> public class B {
>         private static final long serialVersionUID = 829289483086117887L;
>         @PrimaryKey
>         @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
>         private Key _key;
>         @Persistent
>         private String _string;
>         @Persistent(defaultFetchGroup="true")
>         private A _parent;
>         @Persistent(defaultFetchGroup="true")
>         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>         // If I change this to List<C>, then test2 works
>         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>         private Set<C> _cUpdates;
> ...
> @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
> detachable="true")
> public class C {
>         private static final long serialVersionUID = -5806378892487300728L;
>         @PrimaryKey
>         @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
>         private Key _key;
>         @Persistent
>         private int _level;
>     @Persistent(defaultFetchGroup="true")
>     private D _sList;
> ...
> @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
> detachable="true")
> public class D {
>         private static final long serialVersionUID = -6630402708475167158L;
>         @PrimaryKey
>         @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
>         private Key _key;
>         @Persistent
>         @Unique
>         private String _name;
> ...
>     private final A initAinDatabase(String pFirstName, String
> pLastName, String pEmail)
>             throws DaoException {
>         A a = new A(pFirstName, pEmail);
>         A newA = _aDao.create(a);
>         assertAEquals(newA, a);
>         return a;
>     }
>     public final void testBug() throws DaoException {
>         A a = initAinDatabase("Dupont", "Pierre",
> "dupont.pie...@valtech.fr");
>         D d = new D();
>         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>         // If I set d to null, then test1 works
>         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>         C c = new C(d, 3);
>         B b = new B();
>         b.addCUpdate(c);
>         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>         // If I use a.setFirstName("") instead, then test1 works
>         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>         a.setEmail("");
>         a.addB(b);
>         _aDao.update(a);
>                 // FIXME Here I get a
>                 // org.springframework.orm.jdo.JdoSystemException: can't 
> update the
> same
>                 //entitytwicein a transaction or operation; nested exception 
> is
>                 // javax.jdo.JDOException: can't update the sameentitytwicein 
> a
>                 // transaction or operation
>     }
>     public final void testBug2() throws DaoException {
>         A a = initAinDatabase("Dupont", "Pierre",
> "dupont.pie...@valtech.fr");
>         B experience = new B();
>         a.setEmail("");
>         a.addB(experience);
>         a = _aDao.update(a);
>         D d = new D();
>         C c = new C(d, 3);
>         a.getBList().get(0).addCUpdate(c);
>         a = _aDao.update(a);
>                 // FIXME Here I get a
>                 // DaoException: javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException: Illegal 
> argument
>                 // NestedThrowables:
>                 // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't operate on 
> multipleentity
>                 // groups in a single transaction. found both Element {
>                 // type: "A"
>                 // id: 1
>                 // }
>                 // and Element {
>                 // type: "C"
>                 // id: 3
>                 // }
>     }
>     public final void testBug3() throws DaoException {
>         A a = initAinDatabase("Dupont", "Pierre",
> "dupont.pie...@valtech.fr");
>         B b = new B();
>         b.setString("Tooto");
>         a.addB(b);
>         A a2 = _aDao.update(a);
>         a = _aDao.loadByKey(a.getKey());
>         D d = new D();
>         C c = new C(d, 3);
>         // FIXME Here I have an IndexOutOFBoundException / Index 0
> Size 0
>         a.getBList().get(0).addCUpdate(c);
>         a = _aDao.update(a);
>     }


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