I followed the tutorial on the DataNucleus web site but I am stuck at
the enhancement part. I defined a class with annotations but the
enhancer does not recognize the annotations. I only use annotations so
I don't have any .jdo file.

My class is:

import javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable;
import javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent;

public class X {

    @Persistent(primaryKey = "true")
    private long id;
    private String sValue;
    private int iValue;
    private double dValue;

    private X() {

    public X(String sValue, int iValue, double dValue) {
        this.sValue = sValue;
        this.iValue = iValue;
        this.dValue = dValue;


The output of the Enhancer is:

Dec 18, 2009 5:06:00 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
INFO: DataNucleus Enhancer : Using ClassEnhancer "ASM" for API "JDO"
Dec 18, 2009 5:06:01 PM org.datanucleus.PersistenceConfiguration
INFO: Property datanucleus.rdbms.stringDefaultLength unknown - will be
Dec 18, 2009 5:06:01 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
INFO: DataNucleus Enhancer (version 2.0.0-m4) : Validation of
enhancement state
DataNucleus Enhancer (version 2.0.0-m4) : Validation of enhancement
DataNucleus Enhancer : Classpath
>>  D:\home\workspace\JDO\bin
>>  D:\home\workspace\JDO\lib\mysql-connector-java-5.1.10-bin.jar
>>  D:\home\workspace\JDO\lib\datanucleus-core-2.0.0-m4.jar
>>  D:\home\workspace\JDO\lib\jdo2-api-2.3-ea.jar
>>  D:\home\workspace\JDO\lib\datanucleus-enhancer-2.0.0-m4.jar
>>  D:\home\workspace\JDO\lib\asm-3.2.jar
Dec 18, 2009 5:06:01 PM org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
INFO: Class "JDOMain" has no MetaData or annotations.
Dec 18, 2009 5:06:01 PM org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
INFO: Class "X" has no MetaData or annotations.
Dec 18, 2009 5:06:01 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
INFO: DataNucleus Enhancer completed with success for 0 classes.
Timings : input=78 ms, enhance=0 ms, total=78 ms. Consult the log for
full details
DataNucleus Enhancer completed with success for 0 classes. Timings :
input=78 ms, enhance=0 ms, total=78 ms. Consult the log for full
Dec 18, 2009 5:06:01 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
INFO: DataNucleus Enhancer completed and no classes were enhanced.
Consult the log for full details
DataNucleus Enhancer completed and no classes were enhanced. Consult
the log for full details


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