HI JD, thanks for the reply, but is there a way to to this without
Twig? I mean, it's pretty basic what I'm trying to do, and probably
google has provided a way to do it without needing an external
library. Maybe I'm wrong, but I wouldn't like to depend on someones

On Jan 15, 1:23 pm, jd <jdpatter...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You mean you want to use OO in Java?  Then you need Twig
> http://code.google.com/p/twig-persist/
> It supports polymorphic relations and inheritance just like your
> example with no configuration
> For example you could have:
> class D
> {
>   Collection<C> cs;
> }
> which could contain A's or B's.
> To speed up querying and loading D's you can define them to be
> embedded as components:
> class D
> {
>   @Component(polymorphic=true) Collection<C> cs;
> }
> The polymorphic flag is needed to tell Twig to store the actual class
> of the embedded component as an extra property which it needs a read-
> time to create the instance.  Usually this is not needed because Twig
> can use the generic type of the Field to know that the Collection is
> of C's.
> JD
> On Jan 15, 3:59 am, Federico Keen <federicok...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi guys, I'm trying to use the datastore with a model like this:
> > Class A extends C
> > {
> >     �...@persistent
> >      private String a1;
> > }
> > Class B extends C
> > {
> >     �...@persistent
> >      private String b1;
> >     �...@persistent
> >      private D dAttribute;
> > }
> > Class D
> > {
> >     �...@persistent
> >      private String d1;
> > }
> > Class C
> > {
> >     �...@primarykey
> >     �...@persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
> >      private Key id;
> >     �...@persistent
> >      private double c1;
> >     �...@persistent
> >      private double c2;
> > }
> > How should I declare this in Java?
> > How can I make queries? The following queries are failing and I don't
> > can't find more help!
> >         public List<A> get( String minC1, String maxC1 ) {
> >                 PersistenceManager pm = WherePersistanceManagerFactory.get
> > ().getPersistenceManager();
> >                 Query query = pm.newQuery(A.class);
> >                 query.setFilter("c1 >= " + minC1 + " && c1 <= " + maxC1);
> >                 return (List<A>) query.execute();
> >         }
> >         public List<B> get( String minC1, String maxC1 ) {
> >                 PersistenceManager pm = WherePersistanceManagerFactory.get
> > ().getPersistenceManager();
> >                 Query query = pm.newQuery(B.class);
> >                 query.setFilter("c1 >= " + minC1 + " && c1 <= " + maxC1 + " 
> > &&
> > dAttribute.d1 = someConstant");
> >                 return (List<B>) query.execute();
> >         }
> > I can't understand how to store/retrieve classes that inherit from
> > other classes or classes as attributes of other classes. I always get
> > an error saying that the subclass hasn't got the superclass attribute
> > or that the class that has a reference to the other class cannot find
> > that attribute.
> > Can anyone help me?
> > Thanks!
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